Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Symmetric dual multiobjective programming
In this paper a pair of symmetric dual multiobjective programming problems is...
Application of ELECTRE III for the integrated management of municipal solid wastes in the Greater Athens area
The present work presents an application of multicriterial aid for decisions in the...
Stochastic decision making using multiplicative analytic hierarchy process
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has found a number of applications in decision...
Model choice in multicriteria decision aid
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate, using a real case study, one of the points...
Special cases of the tolerance approach in multiobjective linear programming
In this paper we deal with sensitivity analysis of the Multiobjective Linear Problem....
A reduction algorithm for integer multiple objective linear programs
The efficient solutions of an integer multiple objective linear program are listed up...
The partial sum criterion for Steiner trees in graphs and shortest paths
The partial sum criterion with parameter p adds up the p largest weights in the...
Algorithms for network piecewise-linear programs: A comparative study
Piecewise-Linear Programming (PLP) is an important area of Mathematical Programming...
A note on the characterization of the Barlow and Wu continuum structure functions
A set of three conditions are developed which characterize generalized Barlow–Wu...
Lead time and response time in a pull production control system
In the late 1980s, most manufacturers have shifted their manufacturing strategies from...
Storage controlled pile-up systems, theoretical foundations
This paper presents the theoretical foundations for controlling pile-up systems. A...
Dynamic server assignment in a two-queue model
We consider a polling model of two M/G/I queues, served by a single server. The...
A new approach to nonlinear mixed discrete programming problems
In this paper a novel method is developed for the numerical solution of a non-linear...
Relative risk–value models
In this paper we propose a relative risk–value model and derive a relative...
A class of stochastic programs with decision dependent random elements
In the ‘standard’ formulation of a stochastic program with recourse, the...
Joint configuration of backbone and logical networks on a reconfigurable packet-switched network with unreliable links
This paper considers a problem of configuring both backbone and logical networks in a...
A Newton-like approach to solving an equilibrium problem
The paper deals with the problem of finding an equilibrium in an oligopolistic market...
Stability of multiobjective NLP problems with fuzzy parameters in the objectives and constraints functions
This paper deals with the stability of multiobjective nonlinear programming problems...
Determining cutting stock patterns when defects are present
This paper investigates the problem of obtaining the best arrangement for cutting...
Equilibrium programming using proximal-like algorithms
We compute constrained equilibria satisfying an optimality condition. Important...
Random search in the one-dimensional cutting stock problem
The paper reports on a randomized approach to the one-dimensional cutting stock...
Pseudomonotone variational inequality problems: Existence of solutions
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the set of solutions of a pseudomonotone...
Setup minimising conditions in the trim loss problem
The one-dimensional cutting stock, trim or deckling problem arises in cutting short...
Polynomiality of primal–dual affine scaling algorithms for nonlinear complementarity problems
This paper provides an analysis of the polynomiality of primal–dual interior...
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