Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A dynamic lot sizing model with exponential machine breakdowns
This paper addresses the dynamic lot sizing model with the assumption that the...
A dual ascent approach to the fixed-charge capacitated network design problem
In this paper we consider the problem of constructing a network over which a number of...
Variance of the throughput of an N-station production line with no intermediate buffers and time dependent failures
In this study, the variance of the throughput of an N -station production line with no...
A two-machine preemptive openshop scheduling problem: An elementary proof of NP-completeness
This paper deals with a two-machine preemptive openshop system processing a set of...
Multicommodity flow models for spanning trees with hop constraints
In this paper we compare the linear programming relaxations of undirected and directed...
Computational investigations of maximum flow algorithms
The maximum flow algorithm is distinguished by the long line of successive...
Strongly polynomial dual simplex methods for the maximum flow problem
This paper presents dual network simplex algorithms that require at most 2 nm pivots...
Models for multi-path covering-routing problems
Research on covering has concentrated on problems where the facilities are small in...
The hierarchical network design problem with multiple primary paths
In this paper we develop a suboptimal solution for the hierarchical network design...
MARS – a multistart adaptive random search method for global constrained optimization in engineering applications
A multistart, step-controlled random search algorithm for global, constrained...
Design optimization for robustness using quadrature factorial models
This paper describes a robust optimization methodology for designs involving either...
Multi-objective optimization over convex disjunctive feasible sets using reference points
In this paper we consider the Multiple Objective Optimization Problem, where concave...
New polynomial bounds for matroidal knapsacks
The Matroidal Knapsack Problem (MK) consists in finding the maximum weight basis for a...
A method for convex curve approximation
In this paper, a new sandwich method is introduced to approximate a convex curve in R...
Approximating probability density functions and their convolutions using orthogonal polynomials
This paper describes and tests methods for piecewise polynomial approximation of...
A combined relaxation method for variational inequalities with nonlinear constraints
A simple iterative method for solving variational inequalities with a set-valued,...
Local convergence of predictor–corrector infeasible-interior-point algorithms for SDPs and SDLCPs
An example of an SDP (semidefinite program) exhibits a substantial difficulty in...
A reduction method for variational inequalities
This paper explains a method by which the number of variables in a variational...
Optimization model for construction project durations using a multistage decision process
The optimization of project duration is often performed during the planning stage of a...
Modelling of augmented makespan assignment problems: Computational experience of applying integer presolve at the modelling stage
An Augmented Makespan Assignment Problem (AMAP), which is a variation of the...
An extended formulation approach to the edge-weighted maximal clique problem
We consider an extended formulation approach to the edge-weighted maximal clique...
On the use of the asymptotic forms of the Boolean matrix for designing cellular manufacturing systems – an improved approach
The use of asymptotic forms of the Boolean matrix for grouping machines and parts is...
Mean value cross decomposition applied to integer programming problems
The mean value cross decomposition method for linear programming problems is a...
A global mixed-integer linear programming model for flexible manufacturing system scheduling
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) require intelligent scheduling strategies to...
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