Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The DH/KD algorithm: A hybrid approach for unconstrained two-dimensional cutting problems
We study both weighted and unweighted unconstrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting...
Equivalence of variational inequality problems to unconstrained minimization
In this paper we propose a class of merit functions for variational inequality...
Competitive capacity expansion under demand uncertainty
We analyze the capacity expansion behavior of firms in a duopoly faced with an...
Tradeoff directions in multiobjective optimization problems
Multiobjective optimization problems (MOP) typically have conflicting objectives...
Optimal hedging under output price uncertainty
This paper provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of optimal hedging under...
A globally convergent version of the Polak–Ribière conjugate gradient method
In this paper we propose a new line search algorithm that ensures global convergence...
Self-reinforcing mechanisms and market information
We consider the possibility of switching between two technological standards when...
A note on the existence of the Alizadeh–Haeberly–Overton direction for semidefinite programming
This note establishes a new sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of...
New advances in economic modelling and evaluation of environmental issues
This paper gives an overview of recent progress made in modelling economic...
Interactions between nonlinear programming and modeling systems
Modeling systems are very important for bringing mathematical programming software to...
Error bounds in mathematical programming
Originated from the practical implementation and numerical considerations of iterative...
Recent progress in unconstrained nonlinear optimization without derivatives
We present an introduction to a new class of derivative free methods for unconstrained...
Fuzzy bicriteria multi-index transportation problems for coal allocation planning of Taipower
Taipower, the official electricity authority of Taiwan, encounters several...
Stochastic optimization with structured distributions: The case of Bayesian nets
In this paper, the authors consider interworking between statistical procedures for...
Lower bounding aggregation and direct computation for an infinite horizon one-reservoir model
We present a specialized policy iteration method for the computation of optimal and...
Chance-constrained stochastic programming for integrated services network management
The design, dimensioning and traffic management of an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)...
Optimizing nuclear power plant refueling with mixed-integer programming
The problem addressed here is scheduling the shutdown for refueling and maintenance of...
Intelligent control and optimization under uncertainty with application to hydro power
A control that makes the best change in control settings in response to inputs of...
Decomposition methods in stochastic programming
Stochastic programming problems have very large dimension and characteristic...
The issue of generality in design optimization systems
This paper attempts to convey some of the author's experiences in constructing and...
A block active set algorithm for large-scale quadratic programming with box constraints
An algorithm for computing a stationary point of a quadratic program with box...
Information management for concurrent engineering
The main objective of Concurrent Engineering is the reduction of development lead...
A generalization of the Hoffman–Lovász upper bound on the independence number of a regular graph
A family of quadratic programming problems whose optimal values are upper bounds on...
A methodology for the reduction of imprecision in the engineering process
Engineering design is characterized by a high level of imprecision, vague parameters,...
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