Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Optimal ordering and pricing policies in a single-period environment with multivariate demand and markdowns
This paper investigates a single-period inventory model in which the demand of the...
Production planning and inventory control with remanufacturing and disposal
In this paper we consider a stochastic inventory system with production,...
Inclusion of flexibility benefits in discounted cash flow analyses for investment evaluation: A simulation/optimization model
It has been argued that conventional discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques, which are...
The option value of advanced R&D
Existing tools for making R&D investment decisions cannot properly capture the...
A parallel interior point method and its application to facility location problems
We present a parallel interior point algorithm to solve block structured linear...
On the lexicographic minimax approach to location problems
When locating public facilitites, the distribution of travel distances among the...
An adaptation of SH heuristic to the location set covering problem
In a recent paper, a new surrogate heuristic (SH) has been proposed for the set...
Generalized p-Center problems: Complexity results and approximation algorithms
In an earlier paper, two alternative p -Center problems, where the centers serving...
A bi-objective uncapacitated facility location problem
We consider a bi-objective model for uncapacitated facility location where one...
A linear program for the two-hub location problem
This paper considers the discrete two-hub location problem. We need to choose two hubs...
A dynamic programming heuristic for the P-median problem
A new heuristic algorithm is proposed for the P -median problem. The heuristic...
Semi-obnoxious location models: A global optimization approach
In the last decades there has been an increasing interest in environmental topics....
The obnoxious p facility network location problem with facility interaction
Three heuristics are proposed to solve the maximin formulation for siting p facilities...
Lagrangian heuristics for the two-echelon, single-source, capacitated facility location problem
Facility location problems form an important class of integer programming problems,...
A constrained nonlinear 0–1 program for data allocation
This paper analyzes the problem of allocating copies of relations from a global...
Driving Tabu Search with case-based reasoning
When it is important to solve hard optimisation problems efficiently, e.g. as in...
Stochastic dominance tests for ranking alternatives under ambiguity
Ambiguity in decision making is a condition associated with the existence of...
A general framework for distance-based consensus in ordinal ranking models
The problem of aggregating a set of ordinal rankings of n alternatives has given rise...
Rank-based selection strategies for the random walk process
In many decision situations such as hiring a secretary, selling an asset, or seeking a...
The interface between OR/MS and decision theory
The purpose of this work is to review new directions in the theory of nonlinear...
A state space condition monitoring model for furnace erosion prediction and replacement
The paper develops a replacement action decision aid for a key furnace component...
Rough set approach to knowledge-based decision support
Rough set theory is a new approach to decision making in the presence of uncertainty...
Setting the length of the planning horizon in the vehicle replacement problem
In some formulations of the vehicle replacement problem, in particular those leading...
Efficiency and the logit model
This paper discusses model building for discrete choice problems in the simplest case...
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