Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Using dynamic models in management
Patterns observable in variables and relationships from the physical sciences and...
What is my objective function?
This paper expresses some of the views of the author about OR and his warm thanks to...
Teaching mathematical modelling to business students
In many educational programs in business administration and related fields, students...
Large-scale, high-priced applications: An introduction
The editor of this issue of EJOR explains the origin and motivation for the collection...
Operations Research applications: Opportunities and accomplishments
About fifty years have passed since the birth of Operations Research (OR) during World...
Intractable problems in discussing OR practice at a scientific conference: Reflections on a panel discussion at EURO XIV
Panel sessions on OR practice are a common event at conferences, but they often do not...
Automation, AI and OR: In search of the synergy and publication priorities
Automation is having a profound effect on the way we do work. It is estimated that...
Fast simulation of blocking probabilities in loss networks
This paper is concerned with the determination of blocking probabilities in loss...
Direct shipping and the dynamic single-depot/multi-retailer inventory system
In this paper we study a single-depot/multi-retailer system with independent...
On the interaction between indirect cost allocations and the firm's objectives
The import of cost allocation procedures is through their ex ante impact on decision...
A survey of tools for the validation and verification of knowledge-based systems: 1985–1995
This paper presents the findings of a survey of software tools built to assist in the...
An analysis of the impact of chaotic dynamics on management information flow models
Defined very broadly, Chaos Theory is the study of the behavior of dynamic, nonlinear,...
Simple formulas for the expected costs in the newsboy problem: An educational note
This educational note presents closed-form (or near closed-form) formulas for...
The single-item newsboy problem with dual performance measures and quantity discounts
This paper considers models for the single-item newsboy problem with quantity discount...
Repairable inventory theory: Models and applications
Repairable inventory theory involves designing inventory systems for items which are...
Purchasing demand information in a stochastic-demand inventory system
This paper studies a periodic-review, stochastic-demand inventory system in which the...
Sensitivity analysis of an (s,S) inventory model
We provide a sensitivity analysis of the standard periodic-review ( s , S ) inventory...
Robust economic order quantity models
In this paper, we study the classical economic order quantity model under significant...
An optimal (Q,r) policy for a multipart assembly system under stochastic part procurement lead times
We consider an economic order quantity type model for a simple production system,...
Supply rationing in multi-echelon divergent systems
In this paper we determine a simple inventory control rule for multi-echelon...
Nervousness in inventory management: Comparison of basic control rules
Using a rolling horizon planning framework in inventory control leads to nervousness...
Allocation of warehouse inventory with electronic data interchange and fixed order intervals
This paper considers the problem of allocating warehouse inventory to retailers where...
Models for 1-out-of Q systems with stochastic lead times and expedited ordering options for spares inventory
The purpose of this article is to develop two kinds of continuous-time cyclic...
Reordering strategies for a newsboy-type product
This paper considers the very common situation in which a single-period...
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