Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A simple approach for analyzing feedback vacation queues with levy input process
We introduce a simple approach for modeling and analyzing an SII/G/ 1 queue where the...
Scheduling installations in the telecommunications industry
We develop computer-based methods for scheduling incoming work for a rapidly growing...
Why queuing never vanishes
This tutorial aims to address and illustrate that queuing theory has a wider potential...
Single machine scheduling when processing times are correlated normal random variables
A single machine is available to process a collection of jobs whose processing times...
A hybrid two-stage flowshop with part family, batch production, major and minor set-ups
In this paper, we consider a two-stage hybrid flowshop with a single machine at stage...
One-machine job-scheduling with non-constant capacity – minimizing weighted completion times
In this paper an n -job one-machine scheduling problem is considered, in which the...
A neighbourhood scheme with a compressed solution space for the early/tardy scheduling problem
The single machine, distinct due date, early/tardy machine scheduling problem closely...
Heuristics for unrelated machine scheduling with precedence constraints
In this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling tasks on unrelated parallel...
Prediction of company acquisition in Greece by means of the rough set approach
This paper presents a new approach to forecast the acquisition of a firm in Greece...
An efficient heuristic for scheduling in a flowshop to minimize total weighted flowtime of jobs
The problem of scheduling in a flowshop is considered with the objective of minimizing...
An evaluation of due date, resource allocation, project release, and activity scheduling rules in a multiproject environment
This research examines the performance of due date, resource allocation, project...
Searching for important factors in simulation models with many factors: Sequential bifurcation
This paper deals with the problem of ‘screening’; that is, how to find the...
Heuristics for scheduling in a Kanban system with dual blocking mechanisms
In this paper, the problem of scheduling in a Kanban system with dual blocking...
Optimization of computer simulation models with rare events
Discrete event simulation systems are widely used in many diverse areas such as...
Ensuring quality in resource constrained project scheduling
This study constitutes an initial effort for modeling and solving resource constrained...
Dominance stochastic models in data envelopment analysis
In this paper stochastic models in data envelopment analysis (DEA) are developed by...
Construction of all data envelopment analysis efficient surfaces of the production possibility set under the Generalized DEA model
In this paper, we study the structural properties of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)...
A note on ‘A discussion of testing Decision Making Units' returns to scale’ by Zhu and Shen – European Journal of Operational Research 81 (1995) 590–596
In their paper (IAOR No. 65386) Zhu and Shen made reference to an earlier paper by...
A ranked voting system using a data envelopment analysis/assurance region exclusion model: A note
This paper addresses ranked voting systems to determine an ordering of candidates in...
Measures of inefficiency in data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier estimation
This paper discusses recent work in developing scalar measures of inefficiency which...
A unified approach to fuzzy pattern recognition
Goldfarb has proposed a unified approach to pattern recognition. In Goldfarb's...
The studio approach to teaching the craft of modeling
Successful applications of MS/OR depends on striking a balance between the science of...
Play theatre – a new way to teach O.R
In this paper we present a teaching experiment which is particularly motivating for...
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