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Real-time vehicle routing: Solution concepts, algorithms and parallel computing strategies
Laporte Gilbert
In real-time fleet management, vehicle routes are built in an on-going fashion as...
Genetic local search with distance preserving recombination operator for a vehicle routing problem
Jaskiewicz Andrzej
The paper describes a systematic adaptation of the genetic local search algorithm to a...
New savings based algorithms for time constrained pickup and delivery of full truckloads
Hartl Richard F.
In this paper we deal with the pickup and delivery of full truckloads under time...
Efficient heuristics for the heterogeneous fleet multitrip vehicle routing problem with application to a large-scale real case
Prins Christian
The basic Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) consists of computing a set of trips of...
A decision support system for farm planning using AgriSupport II
Recio B.
The farm planning problem is a critical aspect in the design of decision support...
A multiple criteria decision method analysis of agricultural risk aversion
Gmez-Limn Jos A.
In modelling farm systems it is widely accepted that risk plays a central role....
Flaming in electronic communication
Aiken Milam
Communication through computer networks, electronic salons, and virtual communities...
Capacity constrained transit assignment with common lines
Bell Michael G. H.
This paper proposes the use of absorbing Markov chains to solve the capacity...
Sufficient conditions for the integer round-up property to be violated for the linear cutting stock problem
Kartak V. M.
The integer round-up property of the linear cutting stock problem is investigated. An...
Dynamic programming and hill-climbing techniques for constrained two-dimensional cutting stock problems
Hifi Mhand
In this paper we propose an algorithm for the constrained two-dimensional cutting...
A decision support system for the electrical power districting problem
Ragsdale Cliff T.
Many national electricity industries around the globe are being restructured from...
Mathematical model for the optimization of the allocation of nonferrous raw materials in China
Fan Ying
Taking the management point of view at a high level of administration, this paper...
The efficiency effects of a single market for financial services in Europe
Berger Allen N.
This paper examines the potential efficiency effects of a single market for financial...
Multiple criteria decision making combined with finance: A categorized bibliographic study
Steuer Ralph E.
This paper provides a categorized bibliography on the application of the techniques of...
Simulated annealing for complex portfolio selection problems
Crama Y.
This paper describes the application of a simulated annealing approach to the solution...
A discrete-time model of American put option in an uncertain environment
Yoshida Yuji
A discrete-time mathematical model for American put option with uncertainty is...
Progressive option bounds from the sequence of concurrently expiring options
Ryan Peter J.
Option bounds determined by the observed prices of the underlying security and a...
Management of non-maturing deposits by multistage stochastic programming
Frauendorfer Karl
The management of non-maturing account positions in a bank's balance like savings and...
Determinants of mutual fund underperformance: A Bayesian stochastic frontier approach
Broeck Julien van den
The purpose of this paper is to identify ex ante fund statistics that can be related...
A method for discriminating efficient candidates with ranked voting data
Ishii Hiroaki
Ranked voting data arise when voters select and rank more than one candidate with...
Mobile clinical support system for pediatric emergencies
Michalowski Wojtek
This paper describes the process and methodology of designing and developing a mobile...
How many automated early defibrillators in which region? An economic decision model for the Austrian Red Cross
Rauner Marion S.
We developed an innovative decision model combined with an integer programming model...
Towards incorporating human behaviour in models of health care systems: An approach using discrete event simulation
Brailsford Sally
Operational Research models are well established as an effective tool for tackling a...
Prioritising waiting lists: how and why?
Mullen Penelope M.
Recent years have seen increasing interest in waiting-list prioritisation systems in a...
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