Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Computation of ideal and Nadir values and implications for their use in multiple-criteria decision making methods
in this paper we investigate the problem of finding the Nadir point for multicriteria...
Batch-processing scheduling with setup times
The problem is to minimize the total weighted completion time on a single...
A multi-exchange neighborhood for minimum makespan parallel machine scheduling problems
We propose new local search algorithms for minimum makespan parallel machine...
Heuristic algorithms and scatter search for the cardinality constrained P/Cmax problem
We consider the generalization of the classical P /C max problem (assign to n jobs to...
Comment on “A nonlinear Lagrangian dual for integer programming”
We present a counterexample and correction to the contention by Xu and Li that the...
A branch and bound algorithm for the robust shortest path problem with interval data
Many real problems can be modelled as robust shortest path problems on interval...
Case-based modification for optimization agents: AGENT-OPT
For the effective implementation of an inter-organizational supply chain on the Web,...
A branch and bound algorithm for sub-contractor selector in agile manufacturing environment
Partnership and partner selection play a key role for “Opportunity Driven”...
On Gilmore–Gomory's open question for the bottleneck TSP
Consider the traveling salesman problem where the distance between two cities A and B...
The procurement of strategic parts. Analysis of a portfolio of contracts with suppliers using a system dynamics simulation model
In this paper, we present a simulation study to extend current methods for real...
On the nearest neighbor rule for the traveling salesman problem
Rosenkrantz et al . and Johnson and Papadimitriou constructed families of TSP...
Optimal returns policy for supply chain with e-marketplace
We study in this paper a supply chain which is integrated by a returns policy. In the...
A bilevel programming approach to the travelling salesman problem
We show that the travelling salesman problem is polynomially reducible to a bilevel...
Supplier diversification: effect of discrete demand
Diversification under supply uncertainty has been adopted by manufacturers in order to...
Sensitivity analysis of the optimal management policy for a queueing system with a removable and non-reliable server
The management policy of an M/G/1 queue with a single removable and non-reliable...
Solving examination timetabling problems through adaptation of heuristic orderings
Heuristic ordering based methods, very similar to those used for graph colouring...
Dynamic staffing in a telephone call center aiming to immediately answer calls
This paper proposes practical modeling and analysis methods to facilitate dynamic...
An analysis of the optimal number of servers in distributed client/server environments
In the client/server model for distributed on-line requests processing, the concept of...
Emergency logistics planning in natural disasters
Logistics planning in emergency situations involves dispatching commodities (e.g.,...
Duality of dams via mountain processes
We consider a G/M/ 1-type dam having finite capacity and a general release rule, and...
Irrigation planning using genetic algorithms
The present study deals with the application of Genetic Algorithms (GA) for irrigation...
Optimal incentive-compatible pricing for M/G/1 queues
This paper extends the applicability of the pricing results of Mendelson and Whang,...
A note on comparing response times in the M/GI/1/FB and M/GI/1/PS queues
We compare the overall mean response time (a.k.a. sojourn time) of the processor...
The N threshold policy for the G/M/1 queue
We study a GI/M/ 1 queue with an N threshold policy. In this system, the server stops...
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