Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Lower bounds for scheduling on identical parallel machines with heads and tails
In this paper, we investigate new lower bounds for the P|r j ,q j |C max...
An almost optimal heuristic for preemptive Cmax scheduling of dependent tasks on parallel identical machines
We consider the problem of scheduling preemptive, dependent tasks on parallel,...
A note on permutation flow shop problem
In this paper we present two approximation algorithms for the permutation flow shop...
Single-machine scheduling with release times and tails
We study the problem of scheduling jobs with release times and tails on a single...
More on three-machine no-idle flow shops
Recently Saadani, Guinet, and Moalla considered the NP-hard problem of minimizing the...
Single machine scheduling with early and quadratic tardy penalties
This paper considers the problem of scheduling a single machine when the objective...
A note on constructive heuristics for the flowshop problem with blocking
This paper analyzes the minimization of the makespan criterion for the flowshop...
Minimizing makespan for single machine batch processing with non-identical job sizes using simulated annealing
This research proposes a simulated annealing (SA) approach to minimize makespan for a...
Minimizing total completion time in a two-machine flowshop with a learning effect
In many situations, a worker's ability improves as a result of repeating the same or...
The effect of various operators on the genetic search for large scheduling problems
Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been applied on a variety of complex combinatorial...
A heuristic to minimize makespan of cell scheduling problem
Scheduling problem in a cellular manufacturing environment is treated as group...
A compact linear program for testing optimality of perfect matchings
It is a longstanding open problem whether there exists a polynomial size description...
Models for representing piecewise linear cost functions
We study formulations of linear programs with piecewise linear objective functions...
Monotonizing linear programs with up to two nonzeroes per column
Linear programming problems with up to two nonzeroes per column in the constraint...
A stochastic programming model to find optimal sample sizes to estimate unknown parameters in a linear program
An LP is considered where the technology coefficients are unknown and random samples...
A sensitivity result for semidefinite programs
We study the sensitivity of solutions of linear semidefinite programs under small...
The final NETLIB-LP results
With standard linear programming solvers there is always some uncertainty about the...
A decomposition algorithm for limiting average Markov decision problems
We consider a Markov decision process (MDP) under average reward criterion. We...
Minmax regret linear resource allocation problems
For minmax regret versions of some basic resource allocation problems with linear cost...
Application of fuzzy multi-objective linear programming to aggregate production planning
This study develops a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (FMOLP) model for...
A comparison of two reference point methods in multiple objective mathematical programming
When making decisions with multiple criteria, a decision maker often thinks in terms...
A genetic-based framework for solving (multi-criteria) weight matching problems
The purpose of this paper is to present a flexible genetic-based framework for solving...
Multicriteria heuristic search
This paper extends the multicriteria decision paradigm to the heuristic search domain...
Multiobjective programming methods in the reserve selection problem
Many ecological criteria have been proposed to assign conservation values to nature...
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