Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
An implicit goal programming model for the tour scheduling problem considering the employee work preferences
Many organizations face employee scheduling problems under conditions of variable...
Mixed integer programming to schedule a single-shift workforce under annualized hours
Nowadays flexibility is a strategic concept for firms. Indeed workload has to follow,...
Planning annualised hours with a finite set of weekly working hours and joint holidays
The need to adjust productive capacity to seasonal demand and the increasing...
Australian sugar mills optimise siding rosters to increase profitability
Increasing cost/price ratios in sugarcane production and the pressure to remain...
A quantitative method for determining proper job rotation intervals
Job rotation is a useful tool that can be used in many work settings to produce task...
Modified p-median approach for efficient group technology cell formation
The objective of this paper is to propose the modified formulations over the classical...
Coordinating production planning in cellular manufacturing environment using Tabu search
In this paper, an integrated model for production planning in cellular manufacturing...
A deterministic model for planning production quantities in a multi-plant, multi-warehouse environment with extensible capacities
We have developed a deterministic model for planning production and transportation...
Towards an integrated model of operation allocation and material handling selection in cellular manufacturing systems
An integrated approach to operation allocation (OA) and material handling systems...
Logistic planning of rework with deteriorating work-in process
Rework is described as the transformation of production rejects into re-usable...
Applications of integral transforms to planning and finance
We sketch the integral transform method in a close connection with its historical...
Optimizing assembly planning through a three-stage integrated approach
This study proposes a three-stage integrated approach with heuristic working rules to...
A revised economic manufacturing quantity and just-in-time production-run model: An examination of inventory and production
Production-runs are an important cost minimizing scheduling and production planning...
Hierarchical production planning with demand constraints
This paper explores the hierarchical production planning (HPP) problem of flexible...
A memetic algorithm for a multistage capacitated lot-sizing problem
We present a heuristic approach to solve a complex problem in production planning, the...
Multistate network reliability evaluation under the maintenance cost constraint
Many real-world systems (such as electric power, transportation, etc.) are multistate...
Finite queueing systems – structural investigations and optimal design
We consider the M/M/ K / S queue as a special but widely applicable finite queueing...
Maximization problems in single machine scheduling
Problems of scheduling n jobs on a single machine to maximize regular objective...
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize total weighted tardiness on a single processor
In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the total weighted tardiness of a...
Scheduling tasks with small communication delays for clusters of processors
We adopt the hierarchical communications model of Bampis, Giroudeau, and König,...
Scheduling malleable tasks on parallel processors to minimize the makespan
The problem of optimal scheduling n tasks in a parallel processor system is studied....
Complexity results for flow-shop and open-shop scheduling problems with transportation delays
We consider shop problems with transportation delays where not only the jobs on the...
Simultaneous job scheduling and resource allocation on parallel machines
Most deterministic production scheduling models assume that the processing time of a...
Scheduling three-operation jobs in a two-machine flow shop to minimize makespan
This paper considers a variant of the classical problem of minimizing makespan in a...
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