Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Scoring bank loans that may go wrong: a case study
A bank employs logistic regression with state-dependent sample selection to identify...
The influence of trend strength on directional probabilistic currency predictions
An experiment is reported which compares the judgmental forecasting performance of...
Decomposition approximations for time-dependent Markovian queueing networks
Motivated by the development of complex telephone call center networks, we present a...
Characterization of the optimal policy for the control of a simple immigration process through total catastrophes
This paper deals with the problem of controlling a simple immigration process, which...
Modeling and forecasting from trend-stationary long memory models with applications to climatology
This paper considers the estimation of both univariate and multivariate...
A direct cycle-based column-and-cut generation method for capacitated survivable network design
A network is said to be survivable if it has sufficient capacity for rerouting all of...
The maximum-leaf spanning tree problem: Formulations and facets
The Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree Problem (MLSTP) is to find a spanning tree in a given...
Algorithms for a network design problem with crossing supermodular demands
We present approximation algorithms for a class of directed network design problems....
Resource constrained shortest path problems in path planning for fleet management
In the management and control of a vehicle fleet on a road network, the problem arises...
A model of export sales forecasting behavior and performance: development and testing
This paper presents and tests a path model of export sales forecasting behavior and...
On solving quickest time problems in time-dependent, dynamic networks
In this paper, a pseudopolynomial time algorithm is presented for solving the integral...
A distributed evolutionary simulated annealing algorithm for combinatorial optimisation problems
In this paper, the Evolutionary Simulated Annealing (ESA) algorithm, its distributed...
An exact algorithm for the simplified multiple depot crew scheduling problem
The Multiple Depot Crew Scheduling Problem (MD-CSP) appears in public transit systems...
A decision support system for crew planning in passenger transportation using a flexible branch-and-price algorithm
This paper discusses a decision support system for airline and railway crew planning....
Airline crew rostering: problem types, modeling, and optimization
Airline crew rostering is an important part of airline operations and an interesting...
A flexible, fast, and optimal modeling approach applied to crew rostering at London Underground
We present a general modeling approach to crew rostering and its application to...
A three-phase approach to solving the bidline problem
This paper describes a three-phase approach to solving the bidline generation problem...
A proactive crew recovery decision support tool for commercial airlines during irregular operations
In this paper, a decision support tool that automates crew recovery during irregular...
Call center staffing with simulation and cutting plane methods
We present an iterative cutting plane method for minimizing staffing costs in a...
Multi-skilled workforce optimisation
This paper describes a problem faced by CS Energy's Swanbank Power Station in the...
Scheduler – a system for staff planning
Scheduling of staff is an important area, both from an academic and industrial point...
A comparison of heuristics for assigning individual employees to labor tour schedules
The labor tour scheduling literature has focused on the development of schedules, and...
A neural network application in personnel scheduling
In this paper, we present and evaluate a neural network model for solving a typical...
Using Benders decomposition to implicitly model tour scheduling
This paper introduces a new integrated model for the combined days-off and shift...
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