Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A discrete Farkas lemma
Given A ∈ ℤ m × n and b ∈ ℤ m , we consider the issue of...
Risk, information and incentives in telecom supply chains
Supply chain management involves the selection, coordination and motivation of...
Risk management processes in supplier networks
This paper deals with risk management in supplier networks. The primary aim is to...
Application of neural networks to heuristic scheduling algorithms
This paper considers the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to model six...
Scheduling a multi-stage fabrication shop for efficient subsequent assembly operations
Consideration is given to scheduling the operation of a multi-stage fabrication shop...
A local search algorithm for the optimization of the stochastic economic lot scheduling problem
This paper describes a model for the stochastic economic lot scheduling problem...
Two-stage flowshop earliness and tardiness machine scheduling involving a common due window
This paper studies a non-preemptive two-stage flowshop scheduling problem to minimize...
Automated negotiations of supply contracts for flexible production networks
Non-hierarchical regional production networks are the object of a collaborative...
An integrated multi-depot hub-location vehicle routing model for network planning of parcel service
The paper describes why optimal design of depot and hub transportation networks for...
Customized supply chain design: Problems and alternatives for a production company in the food industry. A simulation based analysis
In our paper, we point out that an analysis of a supply chain must be very...
Combined make-to-order and make-to-stock in a food production system
The research into multi-product production/inventory control systems has mainly...
Telecommunications demand forecasting – a review
The last decade has seen rapid advances in telecommunications technology in an...
Forecasting United States–Asia international message telephone service
This study compares forecasts of US international message telephone service (IMTS)...
IntraLATA long-distance demand: carrier choice, usage demand and price elasticities
Competition in the long-distance market in the US continues to intensify; the 1996...
Forecasting telecommunication service subscribers in substitutive and competitive environments
The telecommunications market is expanding rapidly and becoming more substitutive and...
Forecasting category sales and market share for wireless telephone subscribers: a combined approach
The ability to forecast market share remains a challenge for many managers especially...
Modelling multinational telecommunications demand with limited data
Forecasting the diffusion of innovations in the telecommunications sector is a...
A genetic algorithms approach to growth phase forecasting of wireless subscribers
In order to effectively make forecasts in the telecommunications sector during the...
A hybrid system-identification method for forecasting telecommunications product demands
A crucial challenge for telecommunications companies is how to forecast changes in...
An unobserved component model for multi-rate forecasting of telephone call demand: the design of a forecasting support system
An Unobserved Components (UC) Model based on an enhanced version of the Dynamic...
Production and vehicle scheduling for ready-mix operations
This paper deals with the problem of selecting and scheduling the orders to be...
Inflation, forecast intervals and long memory regression models
We examine recursive out-of-sample forecasting of monthly postwar US core inflation...
Chi-squared tests of interval and density forecasts, and the Bank of England's fan charts
This article reviews recently proposed likelihood ratio tests of goodness-of-fit and...
Forecasting EMU macroeconomic variables
After the creation of the European Monetary Union (EMU), both the European Commission...
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