Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Toward a class of link travel time functions for dynamic assignment models on signalized networks
This paper investigates time-dependent travel time functions for dynamic assignment on...
Capacity constraints in urban transport networks
This paper deals with the equilibrium problem of asymmetric transport networks with...
Traffic restraint, road pricing and network equilibrium
Road pricing is now being advocated as an efficient means of managing traffic demand...
Consistency in systematic sampling
In design-based stereology, fixed parameters (such as volume, surface area, curve...
Curbing the computational difficulty of the logit equilibrium assignment model
In the past, research in traffic assignment modeling has been directed primarily...
A probit-based stochastic user equilibrium assignment model
Stochastic methods of traffic assignment have received much less attention in the...
Clumping in multitype-branching trees
The authors investigate the ‘clumping versus local finiteness’ behavior in...
Optimal road-pricing: Simultaneous treatment of time losses, increased fuel consumption, and emissions
In this paper, optimal road-charges are derived with respect to congestion, emissions,...
The environmental impacts from the implementation of a pedestrianization scheme
Road transport is by far the major source of environmental degradation in urban...
Portfolio choice and the Bayesian kelly criterion
The authors derive optimal gambling and investment policies for cases in which the...
The scope and nature of the drowsy driving problem in New York State
A telephone survey was conducted of a random sample of New York State licensed drivers...
Truck operators’ perspectives on use of alternative fuels
Recent concerns for the nation’s environmental resources have rekindled interest...
Model uncertainty and forecast accuracy
In time-series analysis, a model is rarely pre-specified but rather is typically...
Estimation under exact linear time-varying constraints, with an application to population projections
Estimation problems sometimes have inherent constraints which, when used, increase...
A remark on least-squares and naive extrapolations in non-linear AR(1) processes
The m- step least squares extrapolation is generally different from the m- step naive...
On trend estimation of time-series: a simple linear programming approach
This paper presents a simple linear programme for the solution of the trend-estimation...
McNaughton and Canadian operational research at Vimy
One of the defining events of Canadian history was the celebrated Canadian Corps...
A life in OR
This paper is the Inaugural Address of the President of the UK Operational Research...
Ants can colour graphs
In the last few years researchers have shown how insect colonies can be seen as a...
A life in OR
This paper is the Inaugural Address of the President of the UK Operational Research...
A life in OR
This paper is the Inaugural Address of the President of the UK Operational Research...
The hype and hope of interdisciplinary management studies
Demand for multi-, if not interdisciplinary, research is currently strong, especially...
You can’t expect rationality from pregnant men: Reflections on multi-disciplinarity in management research
The paper attempts to debate and answer two questions: (1) Does multi-disciplinary...
Researching the roles of internal-change agents in the management of organizational change
There has been relatively little empirical research on the roles played by...
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