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Found 17295 papers in total
A central limit theorem for random coefficient autoregressive models and ARCH/GARCH models
In this paper we study the so-called random coefficient autoregressive models and...
Finite-horizon dynamic optimisation when the terminal reward is a concave functional of the distribution of the final state
We consider a problem similar in many respects to a finite horizon Markov decision...
Cost comparison of a spectrum of self-organizing rules
Consider the following self-organizing rule called POS( i ): after a book in the j th...
Sooner waiting time problems in a sequence of trinary trials
Let X 1 , X 2 , ... be a (linear or circular) sequence of trials with three possible...
Regularity and reversibility results for birth–death–migration processes
A spatial process is considered in which two general birth–death processes are...
On the move-to-front scheme with Markov dependent requests
In this paper we consider the operation of the move-to-front scheme where the requests...
The geometric convergence rate of a Lindley random walk
Let { X n } be the Lindley random walk on [0,∞) defined by X n =max[ X n-1...
A geometric invariant in weak lumpability of finite Markov chains
We consider weak lumpability of finite homogeneous Markov chains, which is when a...
Approximate upper bounds for the critical probability of oriented percolation in two dimensions based on rapidly mixing Markov chains
We develop a technique for establishing statistical tests with precise confidence...
Convergence properties of perturbed Markov chains
In this paper, we consider the question of which convergence properties of Markov...
Evaluating the rationality of fixed-event forecasts
A test of forecast rationality based on the weak efficiency of fixed-event forecasts...
The equations of Markovian random evolution on the line
We consider a general model of one-dimensional random evolution with n velocities and...
Organizational pressures on forecast evaluation: managerial, political, and procedural influences
This paper proposes a theory to explain why some forecasting organizations...
Choosing the number of conditioning events in judgemental forecasting
One method for judgemental forecasting involves use of decomposition; i.e. estimating...
Topological optimization of computer network expansion with reliability constraint
This paper considers an optimization of a computer network expansion with a...
The role of OR in shaping the future: Smart bits, helpful ways and things that matter
This paper attempts to set out a personal view of the future of OR in the UK. Against...
An effective genetic algorithm approach to the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem
In this paper we present a new approach to solve the quadratic minimum spanning tree...
Solving a class of two-resource allocation problem by equivalent load method
We present an efficient algorithm for solving a class of two-resource allocation...
The plot thickens: Understanding interaction through the metaphor of drama
Drama theory provides a framework for the investigation of situations involving...
Solving to optimality the uncapacitated fixed-charge network flow problem
We present the uncapacitated fixed-charge network flow problem and two mathematical...
The cognitive psychology of systems thinking
This article describes how established research methods in cognitive psychology can be...
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