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Found 17295 papers in total
A multiple-objective linear programming model for the citrus rootstock selection problem in Florida
Citrus is one of Florida's key agricultural crops, with annual production accounting...
Travel demand and the 3Ds: Density, diversity, and design
The built environment is thought to influence travel demand along three principal...
Fatalities from non-use of seat belts and helmets in Greece: A nationwide appraisal
It has been established that seat belt use by car occupants and helmet use by...
Complexity of fragmentable object bin packing and an application
We examine in this paper a variant of the bin packing problem, where it is permissible...
A theorem on the determination of economic order quantity under conditions of permissible delay in payments
This article discusses the economic quantity under conditions of permissible delay in...
Comparison of lifestyle and substance use factors related to accidental injuries at work, home and recreational events
The purpose of this study was to examine whether risk factors vary for injuries that...
The return on investment from proportional portfolio strategies
Dynamic asset allocation strategies that are continuously rebalanced so as to always...
Hedging contingent claims for a large investor in an incomplete market
In this paper we study the problem of pricing contingent claims for a large investor...
Strategic investment decision processes and organizational performance: An empirical examination
The central question that this paper aims to answer is whether there is a relationship...
A note on convergence in the single facility minisum location problem
The single facility minisum location problem requires finding a point in R N that...
A rendezvous–evasion game on discrete locations with joint randomization
We consider a problem proposed by S. Alpern of how two players can optimally...
The study of Pareto equilibria for multiobjective games by fixed point and Ky Fan minimax inequality methods
In this paper, we present two ways to study the existence of weight Nash-equilibria...
Last round betting
Two players with differing amounts of money simultaneously choose an amount to bet on...
A self-stabilizing distributed algorithm for Minimal Spanning Tree problem in a symmetric graph
Minimal Spanning Tree (MST) problem in an arbitrary undirected graph is an important...
Stationary states of a directed planar growth process
A new Markov process is introduced, describing growth or spread in two dimensions, via...
Analysis of the market for access to broadband telecommunications in the year 2000
This article presents a case study of the application of the Delphi Method to...
Empirical clustering of bursts of openings in Markov and semi-Markov models of single channel gating incorporating time interval omission
The gating mechanism of a single ion channel is usually modelled by a continuous-time...
Explicit asymptotic results for open times in ION channel models
The dynamical aspects of single channel gating can be modelled by a Markov renewal...
Simple formulae for counting processes in reliability models
Dependability evaluation is a basic component in the assessment of the quality of...
Markov connected component fields
A new class of Gibbsian models with potentials associated with the connected...
Bayesian object recognition with Baddeley's delta loss
A common problem in Bayesian object recognition using marked point process models is...
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