Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An approach to technical risk
This paper describes a framework for assessment of the risk that a proposed machine or...
A genetic algorithm for the generalised assignment problem
A new algorithm for the generalised assignment problem is described in this paper. The...
Hierarchical production planning and scheduling in a multi-product, multi-machine environment
A hierarchical production planning and scheduling model is developed to solve a...
Multi-cyclic flow shop scheduling: an application in multi-stage, multi-product production processes
This paper focuses primarily on multi-cyclic flow shop scheduling. Multi-cyclic...
Integrating order release control with due-date assignment rules
This study integrates order release control methods with due-date assignment rules and...
Representation and selection of assembly sequences in computer-aided assembly process planning
In order to determine the best sequence to be used for the assembly of a product, all...
An action strategy generation framework for an on-line scheduling and control system in batch processes with neural networks
An on-line scheduling and control system in batch process management consists of three...
Minimizing makespan in parallel flowshops
In this study, a new class of proportional parallel flow shop problems with the...
An analysis of a rail car unloading area for a consumer products manufacturer
This paper reports on the results of an effort to design and analyse the rail car...
Bicriterion scheduling in the two-machine flowshop
Bicriterion scheduling problems have attracted the attention of many researchers,...
Scheduling of multistage fast-moving consumer goods plants
Fast-moving consumer goods plants are required to be highly flexible due to their...
Timetabling for Greek high schools
The timetabling process and the resulting weekly schedules are important components...
University timetabling by constraint-based reasoning: A case study
This paper presents a case-study which applies constraint-based reasoning to...
A decision aid for milk tanker run allocation
This paper reports on a decision aid that recommends solutions to a particular vehicle...
The existence of a short sequence of admissible pivots to an optimal basis in LP and LCP
We say an LP (linear program) is fully nondegenerate if both the primal and the dual...
Identifying feasible orderings for performance appraisal
Recent articles have suggested the use of linear programming (LP) to capture the...
Logarithmic barrier decomposition methods for semi-infinite programming
A computational study of some logarithmic barrier decomposition algorithms for...
An infinite horizon mathematical programming model of a multicohort single species fishery
Fishery policy evaluation should take account of the initial state of the fishery and...
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