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Found 17295 papers in total
Deriving weights from pairwise comparison matrices
We study the problem of deriving weights from pairwise comparisons. Properties of...
A model of consumer choice for national vs private label brands
Most consumer choice theory is built around the study of manufacturer brands but in...
The multiplicative AHP, SMART and ELECTRE in a common context
This paper presents a comparative study of three popular methods for multicriteria...
Predicting the long-run profit impact of a contemplated sales force compensation plan
Analytical sales force compensation research offers only limited answers to sales...
A comment on ‘Rank Disagreement: A comparison of multi-criteria methodologies’
In a recent paper in this journal, Buede and Maxwell found reasonable agreement...
ELECTRE III and IV decision aids in an environmental problem
This paper gives a description and analysis of the use of ELECTRE III and IV decision...
In search of information technology productivity: Assessment issues
Despite the massive investments in Information Technology (IT) in the developed...
Choice behaviour in a computer-aided multiattribute decision task
Choice behaviour in an interactive multiple-criteria decision-making environment was...
Institutional dimensions in information technology implementation in complex network settings
It is increasingly recognised that an institutional perspective can offer explanations...
A simple trade-off condition for additive multiattribute utility
We show that only two simple trade-off judgments are sufficient to determine whether...
Parametrized preference structures and some geometrical interpretation
Order structures such as linear orders, semiorders and interval orders are often used...
A note on the use of goal programming for the multiplicative AHP
The main aim of this paper is to identify the opportunities of utilizing goal...
Operational competitiveness analysis on software development
The focus of this study is the application of a non-parametric model called...
The moderating effect of organizational commitment on burnout in information systems professionals
The study examines the moderating role of organizational commitment on the...
Overtime schedules for full-time service workers
Part-time employees help service organizations extend their operating hours and...
Logistics, strategy and structure: A conceptual framework
Presents a framework for explaining the relationship between strategy, structure, and...
A note on the age of the absorbing semi-Markov process
We present a method for finding the age distribution of the absorbing semi-Markov...
A network-based futures method for strategic business planning
Many strategic decisions in business are made in a context which the decision makers...
An application of a network-based futures method to strategic business planning
An analysis of the possible future development paths for the business environment of a...
Teaching the meaning of manufacturing synchronisation using simple simulation models
A perfectly synchronised manufacturing system is the process where components arrive...
Theory of constraints: A review of the philosophy and its application
A new approach to the management of production and operations was developed by...
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