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Minimum time paths in a network with mixed time constraints
Chen Y.L.
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
On the sum–max bicriterion path problem
Pelegrn B.
In this paper, we study a special class of bicriterion path problems where the...
Least possible time paths in stochastic, time-varying networks
Mahmassani Hani S.
In this paper, two computationally efficient algorithms are presented for determining...
A learning vector quantization neural network model for the classification of industrial construction projects
Gupta V.K.
In several key functional areas of contemporary engineering and management science,...
An enhanced response surface methodology (RSM) algorithm using gradient deflection and second-order search strategies
Sherali Hanif D.
This paper attempts to improve the search techniques being currently used in standard...
A note on ‘Application of simulated annealing to a linear model for the formulation of machine cells in group technology’
Srinivasan G.
The author comments (pp. 1445–1449) on an earlier paper by Sofianopoulou (see...
Producing multiple products with stochastic seasonal demand and capacity limits
Metters R.
Capacity limitations for manufacturers of seasonally demanded goods create difficult...
Two phase parametric and probabilistic net present value calculations, with possible deferral of disposal of UK nuclear waste as an example
Chapman Chris
This paper illustrates the value of several particular features of a first phase...
A new lower bounding scheme for the total weighted tardiness problem
Akturk M. Selim
We propose a new dominance rule that provides a sufficient condition for local...
Computational experience with a branch-and-cut algorithm for flowshop scheduling with setups
Bard Jonathan F.
This paper presents a branch-and-cut (B&C) algorithm for the problem of minimizing...
Learning complementarity and setup time reduction
Pratsini Eleni
This article studies the effects of transmission of learning in setups for the...
A composite heuristic for the single machine early/tardy job scheduling problem
Almeida Maria Teresa
The single machine early/tardy job scheduling problem (SMETP) is an NP-hard problem...
Total flowtime in no-wait flowshops with separated setup times
Allahverdi Ali
This paper addresses the two-machine no-wait flowshop problem where the setup time of...
A new approximation algorithm for unit execution time scheduling with chain-type precedence constraints
Han Jiye
In this paper a new approximation algorithm with worst case performance ratio 3/2 is...
Probabilistic load scheduling with priorities in distributed computing systems
Ghose D.
In this paper a distributed computing system/network in which two types of loads (or...
An efficient two-phase algorithm for cyclic days-off scheduling
Alfares Hesham K.
An efficient two-phase algorithm is presented for solving the cyclic manpower days-off...
RTSS: An interactive decision support system for solving real time scheduling problems considering customer and job priorities with schedule interruptions
Banerjee Avijit
Traditional research on dynamic job shop scheduling (DJSS) is largely based on...
The M/M/c retrial queue with geometric loss and feedback
Choi B.D.
We consider M/M/c retrial queues with geometric loss and feedback when c = 1, 2. We...
Several extensively tested multiple recursive random number generators
Kao Chiang
The Multiple Recursive Generator (MRG) has been considered by many scholars as a very...
Periodic flow line scheduling
Preston White K.
We consider a deterministic situation in which identical batches of n jobs are to be...
Improving job-shop schedules through critical pairwise exchanges
Proth Jean-Marie
In this paper, we consider a job-shop scheduling problem. The criterion to be...
A two-phase genetic algorithm to solve variants of the batch sequencing problem
Jordan Carsten
We introduce the batch sequencing problem (BSP) with item and batch availability for...
A genetic algorithm approach to scheduling printed circuit boards on a single machine
Maimon O.Z.
This paper addresses the problem of scheduling N printed circuit boards (PCBs) on a...
Sequencing, lot sizing and scheduling of several products in job shops: The common cycle approach
Boctor F.
This paper deals with the multi-product, finite horizon, static demand, sequencing,...
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