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Economics of coal log pipeline for transporting coal
Noble James S.
This economic study was conducted to compare the cost of transporting coal from mines...
What happens when mobility-inclined market segments face accessibility-enhancing policies?
Salomon Ilan
Improvements in accessibility are increasingly suggested as stategies leading to a...
Crew scheduling of light rail transit in Hong Kong: From modeling to implementation
Chu Sydney C.K.
This work concerns the problem of crew scheduling for the Hong Kong Light Rail Transit...
Modeling the endogeneity of lane-mean speeds and lane-speed deviations: A structural equations approach
Mannering Fred
This paper attempts to macroscopically address endogeneity issues related to lane-mean...
Some remarks on macroscopic traffic flow modelling
Papageorgiou Markos
This note contributes to the discussion on the current state and the prospectives of...
Evaluation of travel demand measures and programs: A data envelopment analysis approach
Nozick Linda K.
Traffic congestion in urban as well as suburban areas has increased steadily in the...
Mixed modelling of interurban trips by coach and train
Ortuzar Juan de Dios
A stated preference (SP) experiment for interurban trips by coach or train was...
Operating subsidies and performance in public transit: An empirical study
McCarthy Patrick
Based upon several studies analyzing the effects of public transit subsidies on a...
A combined traveler behavior and system performance model with advanced traveler information systems
Khattak Asad J.
The goal of this paper is to develop a framework for evaluating the effect of Advanced...
Accommodating variations in responsiveness to level-of-service measures in travel mode choice modeling
Bhat Chandra R.
An individual's responsiveness to level-of-service variables affects her or his travel...
The impact of driver and flow variability on capacity estimates of permissive movements
Velan Shane
The following paper describes a stochastic extension to earlier research into a...
Excess or wasteful commuting in a selection of British cities
Frost Martin
This research considers the application of an urban zonal travel optimisation model to...
A capacity paradox in network design and how to avoid it
Yang Hai
The network design problem is often alluded to in the transportation literature...
A review of cost–benefit analysis as applied to the evaluation of new road proposals in the UK
Willis K.G.
The UK Department of Transport's COBA program is used to evaluate proposed highway...
Clean air forever? A longitudinal analysis of opinions about air pollution and electric vehicles
Golob Thomas F.
Many current initiatives to develop the electric vehicle depend upon public perception...
A mathematical model of wind flow, vehicle wake, and pollutant concentration in urban road microenvironments. Part II: Model Results
Karim Md. Masud
Theoretical formulations of the proposed model for prediction of pollutant dispersion...
The comparison and ranking of policies for abating mobile-source emissions
Plaut Pnina O.
Mobile-source emissions represent a large portion of all air pollutants, especially in...
The full cost of intercity highway transportation
Levinson David M.
In this paper we review the theoretical and empirical literature on the cost structure...
Reliability analysis of traffic noise estimates in Hong Kong
Lam William H.K.
This paper examines the reliability of traffic noise measurement techniques and the...
Estimating the cost of air pollution from road transport in Italy
Danielis Romeo
In this paper we provide an estimate of air pollution costs in Italy. Specifically we...
Myths regarding alternative fuel vehicle demand by light-duty vehicle fleets
Sperling Daniel
Public and private vehicle fleets have long been targeted as an ideal initial market...
Assessment of exposure to traffic-related fumes during the journey to work
Kingham Simon
A pilot study was carried out to assess the levels of traffic related pollution...
Adaptive ship routing through stochastic ocean currents: General formulations and empirical results
McCord Mark R.
Technological advances in satellite altimetry offer the potential for providing timely...
Does neighborhood design influence travel?: A behavioral analysis of travel diary and geographical information system data
Crane Randall
Can urban design improve the environment? If communities could be designed to reduce...
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