Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Critical success factors and sources of assistance and expertise in strategic information systems planning: A Singapore perspective
Strategic information systems (IS) planning is not an easy task and knowing which...
Using a domain expert knowledge approach framework to understand data modelling in the practitioner domain
Despite the ubiquitous use of entity-relationship modelling for more than twenty...
Task as a moderator for the effects of group support systems on group influence processes
This research studied the interacting effects of group support systems (GSS) and task...
A survey of decision support system applications (1988–1994)
To extend a previous survey of specific decision support system (DSS) applications...
On the effectiveness of cognitive feedback from an interface agent
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of task information (TI)...
Fixed-order scaled ℋ∞ synthesis
Given a stabilizing fixed-order controller, we propose two algorithms which improve...
Optimal digital redesign of continuous-time systems using fractional-order hold
This paper proposes a novel optimal digital redesign technique using fractional-order...
Approximation of integro-differential equations associated with piecewise deterministic process
Aim of this paper is to present an approximation scheme for optimal control problems...
Optimal feedback solution of a constrained stochastic one-storage model
We describe a method for obtaining the optimal feedback solution to a constrained...
A fuzzy approach to preference structure in multicriteria ranking
The family of Promethee methods for multicriteria ranking of a finite set of...
On the measurement of preferences in the analytic hierarchy process
In this paper we apply multiattribute value theory as a framework for examining the...
Relative importance of criteria: A quantitative approach
A mathematical definition for the assertion ‘a group of criteria A is more...
Multi-attribute utility methods in group decision making: Past applications and potential for inclusion in group decision support systems
This paper reviews a variety of studies in which multi-attribute utility theory (MAU)...
n-person ‘soft’ games
The basic theorems of ‘soft’ game theory are proved. This involves...
All the world's a stage (using drama theory to resolve confrontations)
Drama Theory is a general theory of human interacton which uses the metaphor of drama...
Covering a graph with cycles
This article describes a lower bounding procedure and heuristics for the Cycle Cover...
Spectral methods for graph bisection problems
In this paper, we study the spectral methods for graph bisection problems and conclude...
The minimal deceptive problem revisited: The role of ‘genetic waste’
Using Goldberg's minimal deceptive problem, we devise a simple method for setting the...
A local search template
A template is presented that captures a vast majority of the local search algorithms...
A genetic algorithm for solving the container loading problem
The paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) for the container loading problem. The...
A core approach to the 0–1 equality knapsack problem
For the 0–1 knapsack problem with equality constraint a partitioning procedure...
On the robust shortest path problem
The shortest path (SP) problem in a network with nonnegative arc lengths can be solved...
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