A genetic algorithm approach to scheduling printed circuit boards on a single machine

A genetic algorithm approach to scheduling printed circuit boards on a single machine

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Article ID: iaor19991769
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 36
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 761
End Page Number: 784
Publication Date: Mar 1998
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: genetic algorithms, electronics industry

This paper addresses the problem of scheduling N printed circuit boards (PCBs) on a single machine equipped with an automatic component interchange mechanism. Assume that the total number of different components required to process all N PCBs is greater than the capacity of the spool. If the requisite components are not on the spool, then one or more component switches must occur before the PCB can be processed. The problem consists of finding the order to schedule the PCBs on the axial insertion machine and the components to place on the spool before each PCB is processed. The performance criterion is to minimize the total number of component switches. This problem is addressed employing a genetic algorithm to search the space of alternative solutions. To evaluate the performance of the GA, a heuristic solution based on a travelling salesman formulation is described. Extensive experiments were carried out for both approaches based on data extracted from industrial scenes.


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