Producing multiple products with stochastic seasonal demand and capacity limits

Producing multiple products with stochastic seasonal demand and capacity limits

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Article ID: iaor19991987
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 49
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 263
End Page Number: 272
Publication Date: Mar 1998
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Keywords: inventory, production

Capacity limitations for manufacturers of seasonally demanded goods create difficult problems for both practitioners and researchers. Empirical data suggest that practitioner response is far from optimal. Optimal solutions, however, are precluded for realistic problems due to computational complexity. Here, the structure of optimal policies is explored and heuristics based on myopic policies are developed. For simple problems, the best heuristic deviates from optimality by an average of 2.5% over a variety of conditions. Heuristics are also compared under more realistic business conditions by simulation.


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