Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Alcohol consumption measured at roadside surveys and variations in traffic injury crashes
This analysis examines whether roadside surveys that measure changes in the prevalence...
Instrumental and normative motives for compliance with traffic laws among young and older drivers
The study compares young and older drivers' motives for compliance with traffic laws....
Cellular phones and fatal traffic collisions
A case–control study was conducted to determine statistical associations between...
Some replenishment rules considering payment periods and risk of outdating
This paper is devoted to the study of the effects of payment terms on the...
Standardisation of substitutable electrical items
The standardisation of substitutable electrical components within the Canadian Forces...
Inventory management with periodic ordering and minimum order quantities
Periodic review systems are commonly employed by distributors and retailers to...
Modelling the impacts of reducing non-motorised traffic in urban corridors of developing cities
In many cities in developing countries, both motorised and non-motorised vehicles...
Some insights into proportional lot sizing and scheduling
This paper deals with proportional lot sizing and scheduling (PLSP) and gives some...
An observational study of the network-level traffic variables
Simultaneous ground measurements of traffic variables including speed, concentration,...
Optimal production lot-sizing model considering the bounded learning case and shortages backordered
In this paper, we develop an optimal manufactured lot-sizing model under the...
Capacity planning for toll roadways incorporating consumer wait time costs
This paper reports the findings for an investigation concerning capacity planning...
Optimal production stopping and restarting times for an economic order quantity model with deteriorating items
A perishable single item production–inventory system is studied in this paper....
Departure time, route choice and congestion toll in a queuing network with elastic demand
This paper deals with the modeling of peak-period congestion and optimal pricing in a...
Maximal bandwidth problems: A new algorithm based on the properties of periodicity of the system
A new approach to arterial progression optimisation, based upon the properties of...
Toward the design of intelligent traveler information systems
The emergence of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has fostered the development...
Automatic control of variable message signs in the interurban Scottish highway network
The paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation work performed by a...
Approximating the optimum portfolio for an investor with particular preferences
The optimum portfolio for an investor who has a well-defined particular preference for...
Perception updating and day-to day travel choice dynamics in traffic networks with information provision
A Bayesian updating model is developed to capture the mechanism by which travelers...
New vehicle consumption and fuel efficiency: A nested logit approach
Using data from a 1989 household survey of new vehicle buyers, this paper develops and...
Logistics strategy, organizational design, and performance in a cross-border environment
The research presents an empirical test of a conceptual framework regarding the...
The impact of new urban public transport systems: Will the expectations be met?
There is increasing concern about dependence on the car and the need to improve the...
Intelligent management systems in operations: a review
Operations management is an area that has recently started to benefit from the use of...
A survey of knowledge-based systems research in decision sciences (1980–1995)
Research in knowledge-based systems (KBS) has become an important area of inquiry...
Parallel Lagrangean approximation procedure
We investigate the potential of the parallelised Lagrangean approximation procedure...
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