Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Stock redistribution in two-echelon logistics systems
Consider a two-echelon periodic-review network consisting of a warehouse W and...
Proactive expediting policies for recoverable manufacturing
Recoverable manufacturing is becoming an increasingly important alternative to...
An optimisation approach to apparel sizing
A novel approach for the construction of apparel sizing systems is formulated. As a...
Applying and assessing two methods for measuring complexity in manufacturing
Previous work in manufacturing has identified complexity as a relevant topic in this...
Concurrent engineering: A competitive strategy for process industries
Concurrent Engineering (CE) is a systematic approach to the integrated, simultaneous...
Determining sourcing strategies: A decision model based on activity and cost driver information
Determining sourcing strategies for different material groups provides a major...
Heuristics approach to printed circuit board insertion problem
This paper studies the operation of a surface mount technology (SMT) machine which...
A tiling and routing heuristic for the screening of cytological samples
In the screening of cytological samples, a slide is examined using a microscope. Since...
The next generation of UK military satellite communication systems
UK military satellite communications systems are currently provided by the Skynet...
Modelling the cost of poor quality in a five-state part manufacturing operation: A case study
The quality history of individual parts from a critical operation can be modeled by a...
Using optimization to improve the yield of an aluminium extrusion plant
This paper describes an optimization based method that was used for analysing and...
Gambling on HI–LO: An evaluation of alternative playing strategies
Gambling (betting and gaming) is an increasingly important sector of the UK leisure...
When to rush a ‘behind’ in Australian rules football: A dynamic programming approach
In Australian rules football, points are scored when the ball passes over the goal...
US air passenger service: A taxonomy of route networks, hub locations, and competition
In this paper, we analyze the service provided by the 13 largest US passenger airlines...
A network model of urban taxi services
A network model is developed to describe how vacant and occupied taxis will cruise in...
The evaluation and application of a fully disaggregate method for trip matrix estimation with platoon dispersion
This paper addresses the problem of estimating an Origin–Destination (O–D)...
Exploration of a Box Cox logit model of intercity freight mode choice
During the past years, the linear logit model has been used extensively in modal...
Economic stability in network industries
Much of the recent attention in Europe regarding the use of transport as an instrument...
Predicting on-time performance in scheduled railroad operations: Methodology and application to train scheduling
In previous work, the authors developed an analytical line delay model for analyzing...
Rationing policies for some inventory systems
This paper considers inventory systems which maintain stocks to meet various demand...
To drive or not to drive: The influence of social factors on the decisions of elderly drivers
Being able to drive is considered to be an important if not vital, component of...
Why do older drivers give up driving?
All Finnish license holders aged 70 years (from the cohort born in 1922) who did not...
A comparative approach to identify unsafe older drivers
The identification of unsafe older drivers is a current and important challenge. In...
Driving experience and perception of the lead car's braking when looking at in-car targets
Perception of the lead car's braking was measured on-road when subjects of various...
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