Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Practical proposals for managing uncertainty and risk in project planning
Standard planning techniques, such as PERT, and the popular software tools that...
Some traffic features at freeway bottlenecks
Observations from two freeway bottlenecks in and near Toronto, Canada, indicate that...
An analysis method in project management using primal–dual relationships
In the analysis of network models, project evaluation and review technique (PERT) and...
A model of urban transport management
This paper shows a scheme of urban transport management aimed at solving the...
Some systems implications of EU Data Protection Directive
At the present time we do not know exactly how the various provisions of the European...
A practical technique to estimate multinomial probit models in transportation
The Multinomial Probit formulation provides a very general framework to allow for...
Some critical remarks on a class of traffic flow models
An internal inconsistency in a certain class of traffic flow models is deduced in this...
Economic efficiency of second-best congestion pricing schemes in urban highway systems
This paper examines urban highway congestion pricing in the instance in which it is...
A minimax optimal stop rule in reliability checking
Consider a machine, which may or may not have a defect, and the probability q that...
Minimal-revenue congestion pricing part I: A fast algorithm for the single-origin case
This paper derives a simple fast algorithm for computing minimal-revenue tolls in a...
Recursive estimation based on the equality-constrained optimization for intersection origin–destination matrices
A fast constrained recursive identification (CRI) algorithm is proposed to estimate...
Preserving the symmetry of estimated commuter travel elasticities
Travel price and time elasticities are increasingly being derived from discrete choice...
Understanding the demand for access information
In many cities Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) offer drivers a wide range of...
An overview of representative research of the relationships between quality and inventory
We present a taxonomy of the research that includes the relationship between quality...
A real-time computer vision system for vehicle tracking and traffic surveillance
Increasing congestion on freeways and problems associated with existing detectors have...
An investigation into the costs and benefits of reliability of service
The continued movement towards a global economy has contributed to the tremendous...
Decision support systems for environmental impact assessment of transport infrastructures
Practical applications of decision support systems for environmental impact assessment...
Environmental benefits from better freight transport management: Freight traffic in a VAR model
Most macro empirical studies on the price elasticity in the freight transport sector...
Performance evaluation of general finite line source model for Delhi traffic conditions
The applicability of General Finite Line Source Model (GFLSM), based on the Gaussian...
Self assessment as a means of measuring strategic and operational benefits from electronic data interchange: The development of a conceptual framework
This paper evaluates the benefit success associated with electronic data interchange...
Optimal pricing for priority service and space allocation in container ports
This paper focuses on the determination of optimal space allocation and optimal...
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