Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Strategic analysis of logistics and supply chain management systems using the analytical network process
This paper explores and illustrates an analytical framework to assess an...
Bus priority using pre-signals
The need to provide efficient public transport services in urban areas has led to the...
Comparing static and dynamic threshold based control strategies
This research extends a static threshold based control strategy used to control...
Transportation and environment in Xiamen
This paper reviews the traffic congestion and air pollution problems in Xiamen,...
Various methods of emission estimation of vehicular traffic in Delhi
Traffic is the predominant source of pollution in urban cities like Delhi. Continuous...
Public transportation access
The form of a city has a major impact on the lifestyles of its residents. As urban...
Predicting urban traffic air pollution: A Geographical Information Systems framework
This paper presents a comprehensive model for the evaluation of air pollution caused...
Remote vehicle exhaust emission sensing for traffic simulation and optimization models
This paper presents the development of the ONROAD vehicle exhaust emission model for...
A multimodal traffic network equilibrium model with emission pollution permits: Compliance vs noncompliance
In this paper, we develop a multimodal traffic network equilibrium model with...
Transport and environment interactions: The Italian framework
With road traffic in Europe forecast to increase, strategies are needed to keep...
Traffic noise and traffic light control
An optimal control problem of traffic light duration is considered. The traffic noise...
A genetic algorithm approach to cluster analysis
A common problem in the social and agricultural sciences is to find clusters in...
Application of a cascade BAM neural expert system to conceptual design for facility layout
The major contribution of this novel application is the pilot development and...
Finite-time disturbance attenuation control problem for singularly perturbed discrete-time systems
In this paper, we consider the problem of finite-time H ∞ -optimal control of...
A restricted branch-and-bound approach for generating maximum bandwidth signal timing plans for traffic networks
The synchronization of traffic signals located along the urban suburban arterials in...
A moving bottleneck
Suppose that a vehicle or convoy enters a two-lane unidirectional roadway and travels...
Algorithms for logit-based stochastic user equilibrium assignment
The paper proposes an efficient algorithm for determining the stochastic user...
A fuzzy rule-based approach for dynamic control of kanbans in a generic kanban system
This paper studies the dynamic control of kanbans in a generic kanban system. A...
The performance of route modification and demand stabilization strategies in stochastic vehicle routing
A key concern in managing vehicle routing operations under stochastic demands is...
Correlating MRP system nervousness with forecast errors
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of forecasting errors on the...
Multi-commodity traffic assignment by continuum approximation of network flow with variable demand
Consider a city with several highly compact central business districts (CBD), and the...
The Prigogine–Herman kinetic model predicts widely scattered traffic flow data at high concentrations
The classical derivation of a traffic stream model (e.g. speed/concentration relation)...
A mathematical theory of traffic hysteresis
This paper presents a mathematical theory for modeling the hysteresis phenomenon...
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