Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Linear programming with fuzzy coefficients in constraints
This paper presents a new method for solving linear programming problems with fuzzy...
Dynamic multiple-objective optimization of environmental regulation policies
Environmental regulation policies are tested via alternative multi-objective criteria...
The efficacy of safety policies on traffic fatalities in Singapore
This paper uses regression models to investigate the efficacy of the seat belt...
Integration of requirements determination and business process re-engineering: A case study of an Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic centre
This paper explores the political character of business process re-engineering (BPR)...
Determinants of hospital efficiency: The case of central government-owned hospitals in Taiwan
This paper combines data envelopment analysis (DEA) with regression analysis to...
Estimation of expected utility gained from the helmet law in Taiwan by quality-adjusted survival time
The objective of this study was to empirically estimate the expected utility gained...
A search model with subjective judgments: Auditing of incorrect tax declarations
This paper proposes a new search model to deal with public sector decisions in which...
Did task type matter in the use of decision room group support systems? A critical review and a meta-analysis
This research was undertaken to resolve inconsistent findings on the effectiveness of...
Assessing the benefit of innovations in air traffic control
Recent advances in technology have encouraged proposals for new approaches to air...
Hub-and-spoke networks and the inclusion of environmental costs on airport pricing
Previous studies into hub airports have tended to concentrate on the economic...
Airline alliances and partner firms' outputs
This paper analyzes the effects of airline alliances on partner airlines' outputs by...
Transport infrastructural investment project rankings under quasi-uniform resource allocating constraint, assisted by a multicriterion analysis process
Consider: (1) a finite set of transport infrastructural investment projects (TIIP)...
A procedure for estimating transit subsidization requirements for developing countries
The paper presents a procedure that has been developed for estimating subsidization...
A personal-computer assisted decision support system for private versus common carrier selection
This paper presents a personal-computer assisted decision support system (DSS) which...
Elasticities of mode choice probabilities and market elasticities of demand: Evidence from a simultaneous mode choice/shipment-size freight transport model
This paper presents empirical estimates of market elasticities of demand and...
Intermodal routing of Canada–Mexico shipments under NAFTA
This paper obtains the optimal routings for intermodal containerized transport from...
Determinants of profitability of grain dependent short line railroads
This paper is the first empirical analysis of US short line railroad profitability...
Competition in railway monopolies
The transformation of railways from monopolies to markets open for internal...
Drivers' speed behaviour at a zebra crossing: A case study
The purpose of the study was to: (1) observe the frequency of giving way to...
Evaluation of red light camera enforcement in Oxnard, California
Red light cameras are increasingly being used to supplement police efforts to enforce...
Effects of changes in travel patterns on highway fatalities
This paper estimates the number of deaths that may have been avoided in 1995 because...
Can injury prevention efforts go too far? Reflections on some possible implications of Vision Zero for road accident fatalities
The Swedish National Road Administration has launched a long term vision of a road...
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