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Electric versus conventional vehicles: Social costs and benefits in France
Funk Karina
This article compares the social costs of electric vehicles with those of...
Determinants of the property damage costs of tanker accidents
Talley Wayne K.
This study investigates determinants of the vessel, oil cargo spillage, and...
Application of intervention analysis for assessing the effectiveness of CO pollution control legislation in India
Khare Mukesh
An Intervention Analysis Model was developed to study the impact of the...
Searching for policy priorities in the formulation of a freight transport strategy: A canonical correlation analysis of freight industry attitudes
Golob Thomas F.
An efficient and effective freight transport strategy can be aided by early...
Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor – a syntegrity to explore meeting London's diverse interests
White Leroy
One of the commitments in the new (1997) UK government's election manifesto was to...
Integrating maintenance and production decisions in a hierarchical production planning environment
Chung Chen-Hua
This article presents a three-part model to evaluate an organization's maintenance...
The trouble with minimum parking requirements
Shoup Donald C.
Urban planners typically set the minimum parking requirements for every land use to...
Demand management as an element of transportation policy: Using carrots and sticks to influence travel behavior
Meyer Michael D.
This paper describes the characteristics of transportation demand management (TDM)....
Urban mobility in the developing world
Gakenheimer Ralph
Mobility and accessibility are declining rapidly in most of the developing world. The...
Analyzing agricultural demand for water with an optimizing model
Amir I.
The paper introduces an optimizing linear model for analysing agricultural production...
Institutional management regimes for pricing of irrigation water: the French model – lessons for India
Nagaraj N.
In France, the River Basin Committees and Water Agencies are in charge of managing...
When the question is ‘where’? – integrating geographic information systems and management science
Keenan Peter
Within Management Science there is increasing recognition of the need to incorporate...
Intensity of interaction in supply of business advice and client impact: A comparison of consultancy, business associations and Government support initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises
Bennett Robert J.
This paper assesses the supply of business advice using new empirical evidence from a...
Generating feasible strategies in nuclear emergencies – a constraint satisfaction problem
French S.
RODOS is a Real-time On-line DecisiOn Support system intended for use throughout a...
Fuzzy logic systems for transportation engineering: the state of the art
Teodorovi Duan
The paper presents a classification and analysis of the results achieved using fuzzy...
Some experiments in Tchebycheff-based approaches for interactive multiple objective decision making
Reeves Gary R.
Tchebycheff metric based approaches have become popular for sampling the set of...
How intoxicated are drivers in the United States? Estimating the extent, risks and costs per kilometer of driving by blood alcohol level
Miller Ted R.
This study develops and applies an algorithm with international applicability for...
A modified procedure for synthesising ratio judgements in the analytic hierarchy process
Lin C.
The analytic hierarchy process has been widely applied to solve problems arising in...
Analyzing closed Kanban-controlled assembly systems by iterative aggregation–disaggregation
Seidmann Abraham
In recent years, many companies have begun using work-in-process (WIP)-limiting...
Just the job – multi-criteria decision analysis for a personal decision
Atherton Elizabeth
This article gives an overview of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and the...
A closed-loop logistics model for remanufacturing
Srivastava R.
Recoverable product environments are becoming an increasingly important segment of the...
A one-step tabu search algorithm for manufacturing cell design
Lozano S.
As part of the cellular manufacturing design process, machines must be grouped in...
Hybrid heuristics for the multi-stage capacitated lot sizing and loading problem
zdamar L.
The multi-stage capacitated lot sizing and loading problem (MCLSLP) deals with the...
Evolutionary algorithms for production planning problems with setup decisions
Hung Y.-F.
Production planning problems with setup decisions, which were formulated as mixed...
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