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One-dimensional loss networks and conditioned M/G/∞ queues
Garcia Nancy Lopes
We study one-dimensional continuous loss networks with length distribution G and cable...
Queueing processes in bulk systems under the D-policy
Dshalalow Jewgeni H.
This paper studies the queueing process in a class of D -policy models with Poisson...
Emergency – but no accident – a system dynamics study of an accident and emergency department
Rosenhead Jonathan
Public concern over long waiting times for admissions motivated this study, whose aim...
Clinical trials, economic evaluation and simulation – supporting the economic evaluation of a clinical trial by simulation
Paul Ray J.
The aim of the economic evaluation of a clinical trial is to assess the impact of new...
Profit margin, process improvement and capacity decisions in global manufacturing
Chakravarty Amiya K.
We study two strategies that a company may employ for competing in global markets:...
New product diffusion models in innovation management – a system dynamics perspective
Maier Frank H.
The diffusion of innovations over time is a highly dynamic and complex problem. It is...
Non-motorised modes in transport systems: A multimodal chain perspective for The Netherlands
Rietveld Piet
Non-motorised transport modes such as walking and biking are environmentally friendly,...
Identifying influential attributes in freight route/mode choice decisions: A content analysis
Cullinane Kevin
The adoption of Stated Preference (SP) techniques in freight route/mode choice studies...
Improving the energy efficiency of freight in the United States through commodity-based analysis: Justification and implementation
Morlok Edward K.
Efforts to reduce energy use in freight transportation usually center around...
The accessibility of railway stations: The role of the bicycle in The Netherlands
Rietveld Piet
The market potential of railway services depends on the quality of the total chain...
Railroad wheat transportation markets in the central plains: Modeling with error correction and directed graphs
Bessler David A.
Time series methods are used to study the dynamics of regional, export-wheat, railroad...
The effects on safety, time consumption and environment of large scale use of roundabouts in an urban area: A case study
Vrhelyi Andrs
An experiment with small roundabouts – as speed reducing measures – was...
Which are the relevant costs and benefits of road safety measures designed for pedestrians and cyclists?
Elvik Rune
This paper discusses the current state-of-the-art with respect to impact assessment...
Globalization in road safety: Explaining the downward trend in road accident rates in a single country (Israel)
Beenstock Michael
A theoretical model is proposed in which road safety in a single country depends upon...
An economic and operational evaluation of urban car-sharing
Pitfield D.E.
Utilising cost benefit analysis techniques, in exactly the same way as the UK...
Alternative pollution permit systems for transportation networks based on origin/destination pairs and paths
Nagurney Anna
In this paper, we introduce two new pollution permit systems for congested...
Real-time prediction of extreme ambient carbon monoxide concentrations due to vehicular exhaust emissions using univariate linear stochastic models
Khare Mukesh
Historical data of the time-series of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration were analysed...
Freight industry attitudes towards policies to reduce congestion
Golob Thomas F.
This paper presents an analysis of the perceptions held by for-hire and private...
Optimal fleet utilization and replacement
Jin Di
The fleet replacement problem of a profit-maximizing manager is examined using an...
Control strategies for a stochastic flexible manufacturing and assembly system model
Sniedovich M.
Optimal control strategies are computed for a stochastic discrete time flexible...
A multiple-criteria decision methodology for the make-or-buy problem
Diaby Moustapha
This paper develops a multiple-criteria decision analysis methodology for the...
Approach to decision making in fuzzy environment
Ekel P.Ya.
A general approach to solving a wide class of optimization problems with fuzzy...
Fuzzy logic and the calculi of fuzzy rules, fuzzy graphs, and fuzzy probabilities
Zadeh L.A.
The past few years have witnessed a rapid growth in the number and variety of...
Fuzzy dynamic programming, fuzzy adaptive neuro control, and the general medical diagnosis problem
Esogbue A.O.
The fuzzy medical diagnosis decision models of Esogbue and Elder employed fuzzy sets...
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