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A multivariate cointegrating vector autoregressive model of freight transport demand: Evidence from Indian railways
Kulshreshtha M.
In this paper long run structural relationship for freight transport demand is derived...
Relationships between highway capacity and induced vehicle travel
Noland R.B.
The theory of induced travel demand asserts that increases in highway capacity will...
An overview of nontraditional formulations of static and dynamic equilibrium network design
Friesz T.L.
This paper reviews two classes of nontraditional models for the (dis)equilibrium...
A bi-level programming approach for trip matrix estimation and traffic control problems with stochastic user equilibrium link flows
Maher M.J.
This paper deals with two mathematically similar problems in transport network...
Cone projection versus half-space projection for the bilevel optimisation of transportation networks
Smith M.J.
This paper describes the half-space projection method and cone-projection method of...
An equivalent continuously differentiable model and a locally convergent algorithm for the continuous network design problem
Yang H.
The continuous network design problem (CNDP) is characterized by a bilevel programming...
Parameter estimation in a trip distribution model by random perturbation of a descent method
Goncalves M.B.
We consider the problem of the estimation of some parameters involved in a trip...
A path-based traffic assignment algorithm based on the TRANSYT traffic model
Wong S.C.
This paper presents a path-based traffic assignment formulation and its solution...
MASTER: Macroscopic traffic simulation based on a gas-kinetic, non-local traffic model
Helbing D.
We present a gas-kinetic (Boltzmann-like) traffic equation that is not only suited for...
Why has car-fleet specific fuel consumption not shown any decrease since 1990? Quantitative analysis of Dutch passenger car-fleet specific fuel consumption
Wee Bert Van
The Dutch car-fleet specific fuel consumption has not shown any decrease since 1990....
Travel blending: an Australian travel awareness initiative
Rose Geoffrey
This paper outlines a new approach to reducing car use in order to address...
Methodology and results of the evaluation of alternative short tests applied in inspection and maintenance programmes
Samaras Zissis
The aim of this paper is to present a methodology for the evaluation of the...
A model system for the assessment of the effects of car and fuel green taxes on CO2 emission
Hayashi Yoshitsugu
This study aims at developing a model system to examine the changes in the car market...
Short-term, real-time prediction of the extreme ambient carbon monoxide concentrations due to vehicular exhaust emissions using transfer function-noise model
Khare Mukesh
The Box–Jenkins transfer function-noise (TFN) models have been used to provide...
A perishable inventory system with modified (S – 1,S) policy and arbitrary processing times
Kalpakam S.
In this article we analyze a lost sales ( S – 1, S ) perishable system, under...
On solving unreliable planar location problems
Lee Shine-Der
In this paper, we generalize conventional P -median location problems by considering...
An algorithm for the capacitated, multi-commodity multi-period facility location problem
Khumawala Basheer M.
There are substantial number of exact and heuristic solution methods proposed for...
Tool replacement policies for a machining centre producing multiple types of products with distinct due dates
Kim Yeong-Dae
This paper focuses on a tool replacement problem to determine tool replacement...
Establishing dominance and potential optimality in multi-criteria analysis with imprecise weight and value
Kim Soung Hie
The model presented in this paper does not require exact estimations of decision...
Developing a systemic model for the evaluation of conflicts
Midgley Gerald
This paper aims to challenge reductionist mental models widely used to evaluate the...
Optimal throughput for multistage input–output processes
Troutt Marvin D.
This paper considers productivity optimization for serial processes for which multiple...
A hierarchical clustering methodology based on genetic programming for the solution of simple cell-formation problems
Dimopoulos C.
The problem of identifying machine cells and corresponding part families in cellular...
Capacity analysis for mixed technology production: Evaluating production ramp resource modifications via distributed simulation
Zeigler B.P.
This paper describes the design and development of a discrete event simulation based,...
A Petri net based design engine for manufacturing systems
Zimmermann Armin
Support for the efficient design and operation of complex manufacturing systems...
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