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Neural network versus econometric models in forecasting inflation
Moshiri Saeed
Artificial neural network modelling has recently attracted much attention as a new...
Density forecasting: A survey
Wallis Kenneth F.
A density forecast of the realization of a random variable at some future time is an...
Modelling the absolute returns of different stock indices: Exploring the forecastability of an alternative measure of risk
Granger Clive W.J.
Conventional measures of the risk of a financial asset make use of the unobserved...
A quantile regression neural network approach to estimating the conditional density of multiperiod returns
Taylor James W.
This paper presents a new approach to estimating the conditional probability...
Forecasting time-dependent conditional densities: A semi-non-parametric neural network approach
Schittenkopf Christian
In financial econometrics the modelling of asset return series is closely related to...
On modeling time series data using spreadsheets
Ragsdale Cliff T.
Linear regression analysis has long been used to estimate the parameters of various...
The paradigm is dead, the paradigm is dead … long live the paradigm: The legacy of Burrell and Morgan
Hirschheim Rudy
Most of the research in the field of Information Systems appears to be guided by one...
George Mitchell's socks
Miser Hugh J.
By means of a critique of an example taken from a book by Mitchell, Miser draws...
Is content analysis either practical or desirable for research evaluation?
Ormerod R.J.
This note responds to comments by Doyle and Jones on my contribution to the ongoing...
A role for content analysis in research on management science and operational research literature
Reisman Arnold
This is a rejoinder to the debate regarding both the utility of and the approaches to...
Creativity, design and style in management science and operational research
Keys Paul
The place of creativity, design and style in MS/OR has never been doubted but there...
Cost–benefit analysis of road safety measures: Applicability and controversies
Elvik Rune
This paper discusses the applicability of cost–benefit analysis as an aid to...
The effect of traffic policing on road safety in Israel
Beenstock Michael
We use panel data on road sections to investigate the effect of traffic policing on...
Extended time-to-collision measures for road traffic safety assessment
Bovy Piet H.L.
This article describes two new safety indicators based on the time-to-collision notion...
The effect of medical care by a helicopter trauma team on the probability of survival and the quality of life of hospitalised victims
Oppe Siem
In 1995, an experiment was started to give extra medical help by helicopter to...
A utility range-based interactive group support system for multiattribute decision making
Kim Jae Kyeong
This research suggests an interactive procedure for solving a multiattribute group...
Queueing network modelling and lead time compression of pharmaceutical drug development
Narahari Y.
Designing an optimized pharmaceutical drug development process is an important problem...
The expected utility theory applied to an industrial decision problem – what technological alternative to implement to treat industrial solid residuals
Duarte B.P.M.
This paper presents a method developed to solve industrial decision problems based on...
Combined parameter and tolerance design optimisation with quality and cost
Jeang Angus
The need to remain competitive for survival in the current world market has led...
Generalized queueing network analysis of integrated supply chain
Viswanadham N.
Supply chain networks are formed from complex interactions between several companies...
Activity-based disaggregate travel demand model system with activity schedules
Ben-Akiva M.E.
We present an integrated activity-based discrete choice model system of an...
Bilevel programming applied to optimising urban tranportation
Clegg J.
This paper outlines a multi-modal, elastic, equilibrium transportation model in which...
Topological network design of pedestrian networks
Smith J.M.
The design and analysis of series, merge, and splitting topologies of pedestrian...
Optimal control of service for facilities holding inventory
Berman O.
This paper addresses the problem of optimally controlling service rates for an...
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