Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An algorithm for the determination of optimal cutting patterns
This paper presents a new mathematical programming formulation for the problem of...
Row and column generation technique for a multistage cutting stock problem
This multistage cutting stock problem (CSP) generalizes the one-dimensional CSP when a...
Evaluation of algorithms for one-dimensional cutting
The paper deals with the prolem of evaluating and comparing different one-dimensional...
A new evolutionary approach to cutting stock problems with and without contiguity
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been applied to many optimization problems...
Connections between cutting-pattern sequencing, VLSI design, and flexible machines
The minimization of open stacks problem (MOSP) arises on the sequencing of a set of...
Cutting optimisation with variable-sized stock and inventory status data
Many production environments require economical cutting of one-dimensional items...
An exploratory study into failure in successful organizations: The case of Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencer (M&S) was one of the world's great retailers, enjoying...
How much do CEOs and top managers matter in strategic decision-making?
This research note explores the influence of both CEO and top-management team (TMT)...
The marketing of industrial real estate: Application of Taguchi loss functions
The marketing of industrial real estate is a resource-consuming endeavour for all...
Optimal sales force compensation plans: An operational procedure
This paper describes an operational procedure for identifying optimal sales force...
Analysis of advertising lifetime for mobile phone
The market for mobile phones has increased substantially. In an attempt to maintain or...
Controlled Markov set-chains with set-valued rewards – the average case
In this paper, the average case of finite state controlled Markov set-chains with R p...
Conceptualizing the development of strategic ideas: A grounded theory analysis
This paper presents the findings of a grounded theory study on the development of...
Transfer of knowledge in knowledge management systems: Unexplored issues and suggested studies
The management practice literature is replete with reports of practices being used to...
‘Memories are made of this’: Explicating organisational knowledge and memory
It is a commonplace that in the ‘Information Age’, knowledge is the most...
Exploring relationships in information technology outsourcing: The interaction approach
Information technology (IT) outsourcing ventures have been termed successful or less...
The role of boundaries in knowledge processes
Advances in communications and information technology deliver an increasingly dynamic...
From planning to scanning – the implications of chaos and complexity theory for organisation development
The sciences of chaos and complexity are providing many interesting insights into...
Performance management and operational research: A marriage made in heaven?
This paper sets out a simple framework with which to examine the performance...
‘Good enough’ performance measurement: A trade-off between activity and action
Performance measurement systems along the lines of the EFQM and the balanced scorecard...
A goal programming model for crew duties generation
This paper proposes a model for the generation of daily work duties of airside crew...
Applying fuzzy logic to personnel assessment: A case study
The main results of a research project spanning over several years are presented in...
The cable trench problem: Combining the shortest path and minimum spanning tree problems
Let G = (V, E) be a connected graph with specified vertex υ 0 ∈ V , length...
A scenario-based stochastic programming approach for technology and capacity planning
In response to market pressures resulting in increased competition, product...
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