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Vicious and virtuous cycles in ERP implementation: A case study of interrelations between critical success factors
Akkermans H.
ERP implementations are complex undertakings. Recent research has provided us with...
Computing small-fleet aircraft availabilities including redundancy and spares
Cochran Jeffrey K.
Logistics support is a key element of aircraft transportation systems. This paper is...
Estimation of all-terminal network reliability using an artificial neural network
Smith Alice E.
The exact calculation of all-terminal network reliability is an NP-hard problem, with...
Patterns of software quality management in TickIT certified firms
Work B.
This study is a type of practice research known as repertoire building. Its aim is to...
You cannot call out the AA at 40,000ft
Crocker John
Combat aircraft are expensive and so are their crew so no operator wants to lose...
Robust design of server capability in M/M/1 queues with both partly random arrival and service rates
Sohn So Young
In this paper we consider a robust design of controllable factors related to the...
A dynamic interval goal programming approach to the regulation of a lake–river system
Hmlinen Raimo P.
This paper describes a model and a decision support tool for the regulation of a...
Triangular approximations for continuous random variables in risk analysis
Johnson D.G.
This paper examines further the problem of approximating the distribution of a...
A review of research on the negative accounting relationship between risk and return: Bowman's paradox
Nickel Manuel Nez
A cornerstone in finance theory continues to be the positive relationship between risk...
Minimizing the makespan on a batch machine with non-identical job sizes: An exact procedure
Dupont Lionel
A batch processing machine can simultaneously process several jobs forming a batch....
Scheduling of parallel identical machines to maximize the weighted number of just-in-time jobs
Hiraishi Kunihiko
We study the problem of nonpreemptively scheduling n jobs on m identical machines in...
Minimizing tardiness in a two-machine flow-shop
Pan Jason Chao-Hsien
The two-machine flow-shop scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing total...
Model and interactive algorithm of bi-level multi-objective decision-making with multiple interconnected decision makers
Shi Xinping
Furthering a prior research on two-person bi-level multi-objective decision-making...
Piecewise quadratic approximation of the non-dominated set for bi-criteria programs
Chen Wei
A procedure to approximate the non-dominated set for general (continuous) bi-criteria...
Network decomposition techniques for resource-constrained project scheduling
Sprecher A.
The purpose of this paper is to study an obvious but unexplored approach for...
Indifference sets of reference points in multi-objective integer linear programming
Clmaco Joo
Reference point approaches for multi-objective problems rely on the definition of an...
Solving hybrid flow shop problem using energetic reasoning and global operations
Gupta Jatinder N.D.
This paper shows that the use of satisfiability tests and time-bound adjustments based...
A near-optimal heuristic for the sequencing problem in multiple-batch flow-shops with small equal sublots
Sarin Subhash C.
In this paper, we consider the lot-streaming problem of sequencing a set of batches,...
Heuristic algorithms for the two-machine flowshop with limited machine availability
Schmidt Gnter
The paper studies a flowshop scheduling problem where machines are not available in...
Hyperbolic penalty: A new method for nonlinear programming with inequalities
Xavier Adilson Elias
This work intends to present and to analyze a new penalty method that purposes to...
The role of coherent supply chain strategy and performance management in achieving competitive advantage: An international survey
Harrison A.
The results of a major international survey into the relationship between corporate...
The rural postman problem on mixed graphs with turn penalties
Mart Rafael
In this paper we deal with a problem which generalizes the Rural Postman Problem...
On estimation in M/G/c/c queues
Huang Mei Ling
We derive the minimum variance unbiased estimator and the maximum likelihood estimator...
Generalized loss models and queueing-loss networks
Kobayashi Hisashi
The classical Erlang and Engset loss models have been used extensively in the traffic...
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