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Optimization of the assignment of circuit cards to assembly lines in electronics assembly
Ellis Kimberly P.
Process planning is an important and integral function for ensuring efficient...
Dynamic lot sizing and tool management in automated manufacturing systems
Akturk M. Selim
The overall aim of this study is to show that there is a critical interface between...
Design and analysis of optimal material distribution policies in flexible manufacturing systems using a single automated guided vehicle
Veeravalli Bharadwaj
Modern automated manufacturing processes employ Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for...
Modular simulation tool for modelling just-in-time manufacturing
Martnez Fernando Marn
Since quantitative information is very helpful in implementing JIT production...
Scheduling instability, service level and cost in a material requirements planning system
Kanet John J.
The primary objective of this work was to evaluate how four important system...
Evaluating dampening effects of alternative lot-sizing rules to reduce materials requirement planning system nervousness
Chrwan-Jyh Ho
System nervousness in material requirements planning (MRP) has received considerable...
Work allocation strategies for serial assembly lines under high labour turnover
Villalobos J. Rene
Labour turnover can be very detrimental to the performance of traditional serial...
Integrating system analysis and project management tools
Spiegler Israel
Currently, computer-aided tools for system analysis are distinct from project...
Selecting the appropriate project delivery method using the analytic hierarchy process
Al-Khalil Mohammed I.
A model using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is developed to select the most...
A comparative morphologic analysis of benchmark sets of project networks
Tavares L. Valadares
The performance of methods to manage projects depends heavily on the features of their...
Resource-constrained project management using enhanced theory of constraint
Wei Chiu-Chi
One of the vital problems in the project management is the determination of the...
Design of economically optimal acceptance sampling plans with inspection error
Ferrel William G.
Models to determine economically optimal quality control systems have appeared in the...
A branch-and-bound approach to the optimization of redundant software under failure correlation
Gutjahr Walter J.
A technique for computing optimal redundancy levels for the components of a...
Two-commodity reliability evaluation for a stochastic-flow network with node failure
Lin Yi-Kuei
This paper considers a stochastic-flow network, in which each node as well as each arc...
Bayesian burn-in procedures for limited failure populations
Keats J. Bert
Bayesian burn-in procedures are developed for limited failure populations in which...
Performance analysis of finite buffer discrete-time queue with bulk service
Gupta U.C.
Discrete-time queues are extensively used in modelling the asynchronous transfer mode...
Model on cash flow forecasting and risk analysis for contracting firms
Tiong Robert L.K.
When a construction project is in progress, it would be beneficial to the contractor...
A risk register database system to aid the management of project risk
Patterson Fiona D.
This paper presents a Risk Register Database System, which incorporates a Risk...
Using two-machine flowshop with maximum lateness objective to model multimedia data objects scheduling problem for WWW applications
Allahverdi Ali
The multimedia data objects scheduling problem for WWW applications is modeled using...
Mean value analysis of re-entrant line with batch machines and multi-class jobs
Kim Sooyoung
We propose an approximate approach for estimating the performance measures of the...
Multi-period job selection: Planning work loads to maximize profit
Slotnick Susan A.
We examine the profitability of job selection decisions over a number of periods when...
Single machine MAD/Tmax problem with a common due date
Kim Chae-Bogk
Consider a nonpreemptive single-machine scheduling problem which minimizes the MAD...
Scheduling one-part-type serial manufacturing system under periodic demand: A solvable case
Lou Sheldon X.C.
The paper studies one-part type, multiple-stage production system with periodic...
The total completion time open shop scheduling problem with a given sequence of jobs on one machine
Chen Mingchih
This paper addresses the open shop scheduling problem to minimize the total completion...
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