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The reliability analysis of balking and reneging in a repairable system with warm standbys
Wang Kuo-Hsiung
We study the reliability analysis of a repairable system with m operating units, w...
Ant algorithm for single and multiobjective reliability optimization problems
Kulkarni B.D.
The paper illustrates the application of the ant colony optimization algorithm to...
Multiple commitments: A conceptual framework and empirical investigation in a community health service trust
Baruch Yehuda
This study examines different work-related foci of commitment, such as the work group...
Regulating shareholder value: A case study of the introduction of value-based measures in a water company
Francis G.
The implementation of a value-based measurement system within a privatized UK regional...
Causal variables, indicator variables and measurement scales: An example from quality of life
Hand David J.
There is extensive literature on the development and validation of multi-item...
Adaptive non-parametric efficiency frontier analysis: A neural-network-based model
Wang Shouhong
There have been two schools of efficiency analysis for private and public...
Optimal routing of multiple-load automated guided vehicles subject to last-in-first-out loading constraints
Levitin G.
When simple automated guided vehicles (AGVs) having no random access load transfer...
Extremist vs. centrist decision behavior: Quasi-convex utility functions for interactive multi-objective linear programming problems
Malakooti Behnam
This paper presents the fundamental theory and algorithms for identifying the most...
Using neural network function approximation for optimal design of continuous-state parallel–series systems
Zuo Ming J.
This paper presents a novel continuous-state system model for optimal design of...
Heuristics for the black and white traveling salesman problem
Laporte Gilbert
The black and white traveling salesman problem (BWTSP) is defined on a graph G whose...
The cardinality constrained covering traveling salesman problem
Rolland E.
In this paper, we propose a new method for partitioning a graph into an unspecified...
Genetic algorithm solution for a risk-based partner selection problem in a virtual enterprise
Wang Dingwei
Dynamic alliance and virtual enterprise (VE) are essential components of global...
A batch arrival queue with a vacation time under single vacation policy
Choudhury Gautam
We consider an M x /G/1 queueing system with a vacation time under single vacation...
Double-ended queues with impatience
Parthasarathy P.R.
The effect of ‘impatient’ behaviour is studied primarily in the context of...
Analysis of a discrete-time GI/G/1 queueing model subjected to bursty interruptions
Bruneel Herwig
In this contribution, we investigate a discrete-time single-server queue subjected to...
Transform-free analysis of the GI/G/1/K queue through the decomposed Little's formula
Chae Kyung C.
In this paper, we consider the steady-state queue length distribution of the GI/G/1/ K...
Common due date assignment and scheduling with ready times
Cheng T.C.E.
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of nonsimultaneously available jobs on one...
Minimization of squared deviation of completion times about a common due date
Mondal Sakib A.
We discuss a non-preemptive single-machine job sequencing problem where the objective...
Scheduling start time dependent tasks with deadlines and identical initial processing times on a single machine
Cheng T.C.E.
In this paper, we study the feasibility problem of scheduling a set of start time...
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total weighted flowtime for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem
Chung Chia-Shin
In this paper, a two-stage assembly scheduling problem is considered with the...
Genetic algorithms for model discrimination-optimal follow-up designs
Chen Chuen-Lung
The 2 k−p fractional factorial design is the most widely used technique for...
A simple weighting scheme for classification in two-group discriminant problems
Lam Kim Fung
This paper introduces a new weighted linear programming model, which is simple and has...
An iterative mixed integer programming method for classification accuracy maximizing discriminant analysis
Glen J.J.
Linear discriminant functions which maximize the number of correctly classified...
A Gibbs sampling scheme to the product partition model: An application to change-point problems
Cruz F.R.B.
This paper extends previous results for the classical product partition model applied...
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