A Gibbs sampling scheme to the product partition model: An application to change-point problems

A Gibbs sampling scheme to the product partition model: An application to change-point problems

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Article ID: iaor20031676
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 30
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 463
End Page Number: 482
Publication Date: Mar 2003
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: statistics: sampling

This paper extends previous results for the classical product partition model applied to the identification of multiple change points in the means and variances of time series. Prior distributions for these two parameters and for the probability p that a change takes place at a particular period of time are considered and a new scheme based on Gibbs sampling to estimate the posterior relevances of the model is proposed. The resulting algorithm is applied to the analysis of two Brazilian stock market data. The computational experiments seem to indicate that the algorithm runs fast in common PC-like machines and it may be a useful tool for analyzing change-polint problems.


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