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Found 17295 papers in total
Solving the open shop scheduling problem
Only few exact solution methods are available for the open shop scheduling problem. We...
Scheduling jobshops with some identical or similar jobs
We consider the following job-shop scheduling problem: N jobs move through I machines,...
A note on an open-end bin packing problem
We consider a variant of the classical one-dimensional bin packing problem, which we...
New applications of the Muntz and Coffman algorithm
Muntz and Coffman proposed an algorithm to solve the problem of scheduling preemptable...
A note on the complexity of family scheduling to minimize the number of late jobs
The single-machine family scheduling problem of minimizing the number of late jobs has...
Role of group support systems on collaborative problem-based learning: A study on knowledge externalisation
Based on the success of using Group Support Systems (GSS) to support collaborative...
Markov chain modelling of the solution surface in local search
When local search methods are applied to combinatorial optimisation problems it is the...
Modelling and evaluating service quality measurement using neural networks
Effective measurement and analysis of service quality are an essential first step in...
Sensitivity analysis of the probit-based stochastic user equilibrium assignment model
The probit-based stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) model has the advantage of being...
Supply chain modelling and its analytical evaluation
A model-based analysis of supply chains (SCs) is proposed as a means of estimating...
Dynamic crane deployment in container storage yards
Storage yards at container terminals serve as temporary buffers for inbound and...
A suboptimal learning control scheme for non-linear systems with time-varying parametric uncertainties
In this paper, learning control is integrated with non-linear optimal control to...
A guide to vehicle routing heuristics
Several of the most important classical and modern heuristics for the vehicle routing...
A reduced-order stochastic observer approach to optimal state estimation with noise-free measurements
In a continuous-time Kalman filter, it is required that the measurement noise...
The school bus routing problem: A case study
This paper describes a case study of the school bus routing problem. It is formulated...
Restricted structure control of multiple model systems with Series 2 degrees of freedom tracking and feedforward action
The solution of a scalar optimal control problem is discussed where the feedback,...
Partially dynamic vehicle routing – models and algorithms
In this paper we propose a framework for dynamic routing systems based on their degree...
Tabu search variants for the mix fleet vehicle routing problem
The Mix Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (MFVRP) involves the design of a set of minimum...
Benefit distribution and equity in road network design
In the classical continuous network design problem, the optimal capacity enhancements...
Map-route: A geographical information system-based decision support system for intra-city vehicle routing with time windows
This paper presents a Decision Support System (DSS) that enables...
A cell-based variational inequality formulation of the dynamic user optimal assignment problem
This paper developed a cell-based dynamic traffic assignment formulation that follows...
The application of a vehicle routing model to a waste-collection problem: Two case studies
In this paper we suggest a unique model for estimating the operating cost of each of...
An analytic-hierarchy-process based simulation model for implementation and analysis of computer-aided systems
The many successful implementations of computer-aided systems (CAx) have created major...
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