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An optimal maintenance policy for skipping imminent preventive maintenance for systems experiencing random failures
Love C.E.
In this study we investigate systems that experience random failures and establish...
Modelling competitive Hopfield networks for the maximum clique problem
Galn-Marn G.
The maximum clique problem (MCP) is a classic graph optimization problem with many...
An indirect genetic algorithm for set covering problems
Aickelin U.
This paper presents a new type of genetic algorithm for the set covering problem. It...
On the impact of initial performance on the effectiveness of advertising pulsation policies
Mesak H.I.
Using a modified version of a Vidale–Wolfe model, proposed by Little, this paper...
Using composite moving averages to forecast sales
Silver E.A.
Combining moving averages has been suggested as a simple and practical means to...
Developments in linear and integer programming
Wilson J.M.
In this review we describe recent developments in linear and integer (linear)...
On the uniqueness of solutions to linear programs
Appa G.
We provide a constructive method of checking whether a linear programming problem...
Using mixed integer linear programming to plan annualised working hours
Corominas A.
Annualising working hours (AH) is a means to achieve flexibility in the use of human...
Modelling and solving environments for mathematical programming: A status review and new directions
Mitra G.
Languages and computing environments that support Mathematical Programming (MP)...
A mathematical programming approach to optimise insurance premium pricing within a data mining framework
Willis R.J.
In this paper we provide evidence of the benefits of an approach which combines data...
An optimal production run time with imperfect production processes and allowable shortages
Chung Kun-Jen
This paper develops a model to determine an optimal run time for a deteriorating...
Tabu search algorithms for an industrial multi-product and multi-objective assembly line balancing problem, with reduction of the task dispersion
Pastor R.
This paper presents a real-world industrial application of the multi-product and...
Extend the quickest path problem to the system reliability evaluation for a stochastic-flow network
Lin Yi-Kuei
From the point of view of quality management, it is an important issue to reduce the...
Two-machine flowshop scheduling with a secondary criterion
Gupta Jatinder N.D.
This paper develops mathematical programming formulations, a branch-and-bound...
A dynamic programming algorithm for scheduling jobs in a two-machine open shop with an availability constraint
Billaut Jean-Charles
This paper studies a two-machine open shop scheduling problem with an availability...
A Recovering Beam Search algorithm for the one-machine dynamic total completion time scheduling problem
Croce F. Della
This paper deals with the one-machine dynamic total completion time scheduling...
Group scheduling in a two-stage flowshop
Yang W.H.
This paper investigates a two-stage flowshop group scheduling problem with the...
A high quality solution constructive heuristic for flow shop sequencing
Moccellin J.V.
This paper addresses the flow shop sequencing problem. Following an investigation of...
A two-carousel storage location problem
Vickson Raymond G.
We describe a problem of storing products in carousels that are grouped in pods of...
Effect of coordinated replenishment policies on quality
Starbird S.A.
Coordinated replenishment is a supply chain policy that affects many operational...
New heuristics for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows
Janssens G.K.
In the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (FSMVRPTW)...
A list based threshold accepting metaheuristic for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem
Kiranoudis C.T.
In real life situations most companies that deliver or collect goods own a...
Optimization models for asynchronous transfer mode network planning
Dietz Dennis C.
This article describes mathematical programming models that have been developed and...
Generating optimal cutting patterns for rectangular blanks of a single size
Cui Y.
This paper deals with the problem of minimizing trim loss in cutting rectangular...
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