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Material handling device selection in cellular manufacturing
Braglia Marcello
This paper presents a new multi-criteria decision model for the material handling...
Accounting for inspection errors and change in maintenance behaviour
Celeux Gilles
We propose a way to account for inspection errors in a particular framework. We...
Heuristics for scheduling with inventory: dynamic focus via constraint criticality
Beck J. Christopher
Despite the importance of the management of inventory to industrial scheduling...
Supply planning for industrial ecology and remanufacturing under uncertainty: A numerical study of leaded-waste recovery from television disposal
Yeomans J.S.
The use of waste as a raw material for manufacturing is hampered by the uncertainty...
On the design of lottery games
Hartley R.
We describe a model of participation in lottery games designed to address the...
TRACS II: A hybrid integer programming/heuristic driver scheduling system for public transport
Wren A.
We discuss the driver scheduling problem in public transport and describe a combined...
Application of network theory and analytic hierarchy process in urban transportation to minimize earthquake damages
Zarei B.
Network theory and Saaty's analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are considered to be...
Exact fill rates for (R,s,S) inventory control with gamma distributed demand
Strijbosch L.W.G.
For the familiar ( R,s,S ) inventory control system only approximate expressions exist...
Controlling multi-indenture repairable inventories of multiple aircraft parts
Christer A.H.
This paper presents a model for determining stock levels of repairable items...
Simple expressions for finding recovery system inventory control parameter values
Minner S.
In recent years considerable effort has been devoted to the development of inventory...
A data envelopment approach to decision analysis
Green R.H.
A decision aid to assist the development of a linear valuation function for multiple...
Characteristics of positive reciprocal matrices in the analytic hierarchy process
Gass Saul I.
Positive reciprocal matrices (PRMs) are the basic elements used by the Analytic...
On optimal algorithms for the joint replenishment problem
Viswanathan S.
In this paper, we demonstrate that the algorithm for determining the optimal strict...
Ordering policies for inventory systems with expediting
Chiang C.
Most studies in the inventory literature assume either no expediting or placing an...
An alternative heuristic for medianoid and centroid problems in the plane
Eiselt H.A.
This paper develops two heuristics for solving the centroid problem on a plane with...
Linear programming based meta-heuristics for the weighted maximal planar graph
Osman I.H.
The weighted maximal planar graph (WMPG) is practically important in the laying out of...
An algorithm to compute the probability of a run in binary fourth-order Markovian trials
Martin Donald E.K.
In this paper we give an algorithm that may be used to compute the probability of the...
Local search algorithms for the min–max loop layout problem
Potts C.N.
In the min–max loop layout problem, machines are to be arranged around a loop of...
A large-scale application of the partial coverage uncapacitated facility location problem
Vasko F.J.
The traditional, uncapacitated facility location problem (UFLP) seeks to determine a...
The single-assignment hub covering problem: Models and linearizations
Tansel B.C.
We study the hub covering problem which, so far, has remained one of the unstudied hub...
A new algorithm for the undesirable 1-center problem on networks
Colebrook M.
Recent papers have developed efficient algorithms for the location of an undesirable...
Branch-and-price algorithm for a combined problem of virtual path establishment and traffic packet routing in a layered communication network
Sung C.S.
This paper considers a combined problem of establishing virtual paths (VPs) and...
The out-of-kilter algorithm applied to traffic congestion
Wackrill P.
The out-of-kilter algorithm finds a minimum cost assignment of flows to a network...
A prototype cost model of functional check decisions in reliability-centred maintenance
Christer A.H.
In this paper, the functional check task specified in reliability-centred maintenance...
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