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A generic tool for the selection and management of supplier relationships in an outsourced manufacturing environment: The application of case based reasoning
Lee W.B.
Many companies that were once centrally involved in the actual manufacture of...
Predicting less developed countries' debt rescheduling: Performance evaluation of OLS, logit, and neural network models
Barney Douglas K.
Empirical studies in the area of sovereign debt have used statistical models...
Methodology for monitoring supply chain performance: A fuzzy logic approach
Lau H.C.W.
An organization's supply chain is the upstream fraction of the value chain activities,...
A swarm metaphor for multiobjective design optimization
Ray Tapabrata
This paper presents a new optimization algorithm to solve multiobjective design...
Exploration of metamodeling sampling criteria for constrained global optimization
Papalambros Panos Y.
The use of surrogate models or metamodeling has led to new areas of research in...
A robust evolutionary algorithm for global optimization
Yang Jinn-Moon
This paper studies an evolutionary algorithm for global optimization. Based on family...
Global optimization for signomial discrete programming problems in engineering design
Li Han-Lin
This paper proposes a novel method to solve signomial discrete programming (SDP)...
Genetic algorithm-based integrated approach to flexible manufacturing system part type selection and machine-loading problem
Wu Zhiming
Part type selection and machine loading are two interrelated subproblems in production...
Multiproduct Kanban-like control systems
Dallery Yves
Kanban Control Systems are widely used to control the release of parts in multistage...
Simulation-based comparison of push and pull systems in a job-shop environment considering the context of just in time implementation
Li Jing-Wen
An investigation of the effects of adopting a pull system in a job-shop environment in...
Managing multi-project environments through constant work-in-process
Golany B.
This paper proposes new project control mechanisms that limit the number of active...
Assessing extension of time delays on major projects
Williams Terry
This paper describes the standard methods currently available for assessing Extension...
Transforming project risk management into project uncertainty management
Ward Stephen
This paper argues that all current project risk management processes induce a...
Monitoring systems and their effectiveness for project cost control in construction
Al-Jibouri Saad H.
This paper reports on a research to investigate the effectiveness of some commonly...
Project scheduling for collaborative product development using a design structure matrix
Chen Wei
New Product Development (NDP) is an important and complex business process. It...
Note on the paper ‘Resource-constrained project management using enhanced theory of constraint’ by Wei et al
Herroelen Willy S.
In a recent paper Wei, Liu and Tsai (IAOR No. 82327) present an ‘advanced TOC...
Conceptual simulation model for strategic decision evaluation in project management
Jaafari Ali
This paper focuses on a conceptual methodology for an integrated simulation model...
Estimating quality costs in an automotive stamping plant through the use of simulation
Ruyter A.S. De
The pressures of modern manufacturing require that the quality–cost benefits are...
An empirical study of critical factors of total quality management in Palestinian organizations
Baidoun Samir
This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey to investigate factors of...
Risk analysis in cost planning and its effect on efficiency in capital cost budgeting
Mak Stephen
Builds on earlier work which reported on the experience of the Hong Kong Government in...
Alternative graph formulation for solving complex factory-scheduling problems
Pacciarelli Dario
The adaptation of the academic job shop scheduling model to industrial practice is...
Robust scheduling in an advanced planning and scheduling environment
Kuroda M.
A new scheduling problem that appears in an advanced planning and scheduling (APS)...
Agent-based scheduling in production systems
Dang T.-Tung
The object in a flexible manufacturing system is optimal system resources scheduling....
Integrated material planning and operations scheduling
Fallah H.
This paper presents an Integrated approach for Material Planning and finite Operations...
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