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Measuring the effect of a new point of sale system on the performance of drugstore operations
Parkan Celik
A new electronic point of sale (POS) system was deployed by a Hong Kong...
Staff scheduling at the United States Postal Service
Bard Jonathan F.
The purpose of this paper is to present a full-scale model of the tour scheduling...
Models for a family of products with shelf life, and production and shortage costs in emerging markets
Sarker Bhaba R.
Many industrial products have very short life cycles as well as shelf-life...
A fuzzy-based analytic approach to collaborative decision making for construction teams
Yang Hongmei
Describes a study that exploits the potential of fuzzy systems in construction through...
An integrated multi-lot-size production inventory model for deteriorating item
Wee Hui-Ming
The integration of production and inventory model is one of the key factors of...
A multi-agent system for distributed collaborative design
Anumba Chimay J.
Presents a multi-agent system (MAS) for collaborative design in the construction...
Performance analysis and buffer allocations in some open assembly systems
Hemachandra N.
This paper considers a finite capacity fork–join queueing model for open...
Parallel machine earliness and tardiness scheduling with proportional weights
Wang Guoqing
In this paper we study the problem of scheduling n jobs with a common due date and...
Single hoist cyclic scheduling with multiple tanks: A material handling solution
Zhou Zhili
A hoist controlled by a computer is widely used for moving electroplates which are...
Using multi-layered perceptron networks to design a production scheduling system
Feng Shan
This paper investigates the application of artificial neural networks to the problem...
A multi-population genetic algorithm to solve multi-objective scheduling problems for parallel machines
Cochran Jeffery K.
In this paper we propose a two-stage multi-population genetic algorithm (MPGA) to...
Defining the regional healthcare planning objective using a multi-criteria approach
Pelletier Christine
Regional health care planning deals with the regional healthcare resource...
Towards an improved collaboration model for the national healthcare system in England and Wales: A critical and constructive approach using operational research
Shapiro Janet
Soft systems methods have a proven record in tackling problems in healthcare and are...
Serviceflow management for health provider networks
Klischewski Ralf
Exploding expenditure in health care has led to new reimbursement regulations forcing...
Freight mode choice and adaptive stated preferences
Fowkes Tony
This paper presents empirical results of determinants of mode choice for freight...
An online decision support system for transportation mode choice
Gelders L.
Because of growing congestion problems and environmental and safety considerations,...
A linear programming based algorithm for the data association problem in multitarget tracking
Spieksma F.C.R.
In this work we present a linear programming (LP) based approach for solving the data...
Polychromatic sets and its application in simulating complex objects and systems
Xu Li Da
In recent years, polychromatic sets have emerged as a promising approach for...
A cutting plane algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem
Benavent Enrique
The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) consists of finding a set of minimum cost...
Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad service
Danielis Romeo
The paper examines the efficiency of different road pricing regimes in reducing the...
A genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem
Baker Barrie M.
This study considers the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) to the basic vehicle...
Shipping problems with body clock constraints
Chen Yen-Liang
Time window has been a common form of time constraint considered in the literature....
Risk-averse user equilibrium traffic assignment: an application of game theory
Bell Michael G.H.
Transport network users frequently have to make route choices in the presence of...
An analytical shock-fitting algorithm for Lighthill, Whithay & Richards kinematic wave model embedded with linear speed–density relationship
Wong S.C.
In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient shock-fitting solution algorithm for...
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