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Managing modular fixture elements with tabu search in a web-based environment
Nee A.Y.C.
Data related to manufacturing resources such as modular fixtures are useful at many...
Job order releasing and throughput planning for multi-priority orders in wafer fabs
Pearn W.L.
To meet the production target of multi-level (multiple priority rank) orders in wafer...
Development of a real-time multi-objective scheduler for a semiconductor fabrication system
Yih Yuehwern
Semiconductor wafer fabrication involves possibly one of the most complex...
Re-engineering manufacturing processes through simulation modelling
Irani Zahir
Previous research suggests that developing dynamic models of business processes prior...
Task allocation using case-based reasoning for distributed manufacturing systems
Lee W.B.
Introduces a case-based management system (CBMS) for decision making such as...
Engineering supply chains to match customer requirements
Towill D.R.
Modern day market places are highly varied and cannot be serviced effectively by a...
An optimization model for a real-time flight scheduling problem
Soumis Franois
Although airlines plan aircraft routes and crew schedules in advance, perturbations...
A simulation framework for evaluating airport gate assignments
Yan Shangyao
There are many factors that affect gate assignments in an airport's operations. These...
An activity-episode generation model that captures interactions between household heads: Development and empirical analysis
Scott Darren M.
In this paper, we develop an approach for modeling the daily number of non-work,...
Enhancing intelligent agent collaboration for flow optimization of railroad traffic
Blum Jeremy
Intelligent agents have succssfully solved the train pathing problem on a small...
Operational car assignment at VIA Rail Canada
Soumis Franois
Assigning locomotives and cars to a set of scheduled trains is a complex but important...
Why railway passengers are more polluting in the peak than in the off-peak; environmental effects of capacity management by railway companies under conditions of fluctuating demand
Rietveld Piet
Given the difference between peak and off-peak occupancy rates in public transport,...
Incorporating heterogeneous distance metrics within block layout design
Smith Alice E.
This paper focuses on optimal design of block layouts when using more than one...
Computation of bounds for transient measures of large rewarded Markov models using regenerative randomization
Carrasco Juan A.
In this paper we generalize a method (called regenerative randomization) for the...
An extended distance-based facility layout problem
Peters Brett A.
The distance-based facility layout problem with unequal-area departments has been...
Randomized heuristics for the max-cut problem
Resende Mauricio G.C.
Given an undirected graph with edge weights, the max-cutproblem consists in finding a...
A decision support system for the safety of airport runways: The case of heavy rainstorms
Benedetto A.
Hydroplaning caused relevant plane accidents in landing and taking off phases. A...
Some observed queue discharge features at a freeway bottleneck downstream of a merge
Cassidy Michael J.
Details of traffic evolution were studied upstream and downstream of a freeway...
Optimal distance between two branches of uncontrolled split intersection
Ceder Avishai
This work examines the possibility of splitting an uncontrolled ‘X’...
A primal–dual interior-point method for linear optimization based on a new proximity function
Roos Cornelis
In this article we present a generic primal–dual interior-point algorithm for...
Developing passenger car equivalents for heavy vehicles on freeways during queue discharge flow
Hall Fred L.
This paper investigates the hypothesis that the effect of heavy vehicles on traffic is...
Dynamic large-update primal–dual interior-point method for linear optimization
Terlaky Tams
Primal–dual interior-point methods (IPMs) have shown their power in solving...
A stochastic frontier model of the efficiency of major container terminals in Asia: Assessing the influence of administrative and ownership structures
Cullinane Kevin
This paper applies a ‘port function matrix’ to analyse the administrative...
A mixed integer knapsack model for allocating funds to highway safety improvements
Melachrinoudis Emanuel
This paper presents a methodology for allocating funds to highway safety improvements....
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