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Slice models in general purpose modeling systems: An application to data envelopment analysis
Ferris Michael C.
Slice models are collections of mathematical programs with the same structure but...
Simulation and analysis for the Kelang Container Terminal operations
Tahar Razman Mat
Key issues of the application of modelling and simulation for the management of the...
The total demand scale: A new measure of quality for static and dynamic origin–destination trip tables
Bierlaire Michel
We propose a measure of quality for origin–destination (OD) trip tables...
Dynamic approach to human resources planning for major professional companies with a peak-wise demand
Kogan Konstantin
Human resource planning has always been a key issue to professional companies. To help...
A mixed integer linear programming model for set-up reduction superstructures
Qassim R.Y.
The objective of this research is to introduce the concept of a set-up reduction...
The optimal production and shipment policy for the single-vendor single-buyer integrated production–inventory problem
Hill Roger M.
An error in IAOR 72943 is corrected. See also abstract no. 81133.
Multiperiod production planning carrying over set-up time
Kuula M.
Set-ups eat production capacity time and continue troubling production planning,...
Two-stage simulation optimisation for agile manufacturing capacity planning
Cochran Jeffrey K.
Capacity planning involves the selection of manufacturing technologies and the...
Dynamic search tree decomposition for balancing assembly lines by parallel search
Sprecher Arno
We consider the simple assembly line balancing problem of type 1 (SALB-1). Although...
The impacts of sharing production information on supply chain dynamics: A review of the literature
Mak K.L.
This paper is a review of research into the impacts of sharing production information...
Comparing functional and cellular layouts: A simulation study based on standardization
Kaku B.K.
In the last decade, over two dozen simulation studies have focused on comparing...
Message-based Part State Graphs: A formal model for shop-floor control implementation
Joshi S.B.
This paper presents a formal model of the execution portion of shop-floor controllers...
Revising the master production schedule in sequence dependent processes
Berry William L.
Revising the master production schedule (MPS) in a rolling planning horizon...
Transmuting performance on manufacturing dimensions into business performance: An exploratory analysis of efficiency using data envelopment analysis
Vickery Shawnee K.
This research examines efficiency in the transformation of performance on...
A decision strategy for reconfigurable manufacturing systems using analytical hierarchical process: A case study
Abdi Mohammad Reza
This paper presents Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) characteristics through...
A review of the support tools for the process of assembly method selection and assembly planning
Popplewell K.
This paper reviews the substantial body of research into software and other tools to...
Simultaneous optimal selection of design and manufacturing tolerances with different stack-up conditions using genetic algorithms
Jain P.K.
Tolerance design is one of the most critical aspects of product design and development...
Measuring long-term performance of a manufacturing firm using the Analytic Network Process approach
Yurdakul M.
This paper provides a multicriteria performance measurement model to measure a...
Designing manufacturing cells: A staged approach and a tabu search algorithm
Sofianopoulou S.
This paper proposes a three-stage approach for the manufacturing cells design problem...
Capability-based distributed layout approach for virtual manufacturing cells
Baykasolu Adil
It is shown in the literature that in highly volatile manufacturing environments...
Expert enhanced coloured stochastic Petri net and its application in assembly/disassembly
Kumar S.
This article comprises an Expert Enhanced Coloured Stochastic Petri net (rule base...
Continuous-time dynamic modelling of variable lead times
Wikner J.
Dynamic modelling of production–inventory systems usually involves lead time...
Generally configured supply chain with flexible local control strategies
Wang J.
We consider a supply chain that comprises manufacturing stations, distribution...
Lead-time reduction through flexible routing: Application to shape deposition manufacturing
Pinilla J.M.
Manufacturing process plans are usually defined by the sequence of operations a job...
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