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Found 17295 papers in total
Benchmarking information technology practices in small firms
Much attention has focused recently on benchmarking, a practice by which firms learn...
Optimal estimation of univariate black-box Lipschitz functions with upper and lower error bounds
We are given an unknown univariate Lipschitz continuous function that we wish to...
Acceleration of the convergence speed of evolutionary algorithms using multi-layer neural networks
Despite the global optimization capability and low sensitivity to initial parameter...
A fuzzy-stochastic robust programming model for regional air quality management under uncertainty
This paper proposes a hybrid fuzzy-stochastic robust programming (FSRP) method and...
A sequential approximation method using neural networks for engineering design optimization problems
There are three characteristics in engineering design optimization problems: (1) the...
Does benchmarking help?
In this paper we examine benchmarking as it is used in fund management and especially...
Gauging and comparing the performances of dissimilar entities
The problem of comparing the performances of a set of entities that are not entirely...
The relationship between technology and performance: a meta-analysis of technology models
The effective deployment of technology within an organizational context is of integral...
Compensation differences between male and female chief executive officers for publicly traded firms: a nonparametric analysis
A recent article in the popular press suggested that gender is one determining factor...
A new variable production scheduling strategy for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial lost sale
Recently, Wee and Wang modeled a production–inventory system for deteriorating...
Optimization of the stochastic dynamic production cycling problem by a genetic algorithm
A production system to produce products of multiple items by several machines to meet...
A strategic model for supply chain design with logical constraints: formulation and solution
This paper proposes a strategic production–distribution model for supply chain...
An enumerative heuristic and reduction methods for the assembly line balancing problem
A new heuristic algorithm and new reduction techniques for the type 1 assembly line...
Allocating production batches to subcontractors by fuzzy goal programming
Allocating production batches to subcontractors arises frequently in industry. When...
On solving the progressive party problem as a mixed integer problem
The ‘Progressive Party Problem’ has long been considered a problem...
Due-date assignment with asymmetric earliness–tardiness cost
The problem of minimizing the maximal weighted absolute lateness (MWAL) is known to be...
The impact of organization size on enterprise resource planning implementations in the US manufacturing sector
Enterprise Resource Plannng (ERP) systems have experienced a phenomenal growth in the...
An evolutionary Lagrange method for mixed-integer constrained optimization problems
This study proposes a method for solving mixed-integer constrained optimization...
Consider your options: changes to strategic value during implementation of advanced manufacturing technology
Strategic investments such as flexible manufacturing technology yield benefits to a...
Organizational modifications to support just in time implementation in manufacturing and service operations
This study investigates JIT implementation practices and performance in manufacturing...
Comments on ‘An efficient search direction for linear programming problems’ by H. Luh and R. Tsaih
With regard to the paper ‘An efficient search direction for linear programming...
A new efficient primal dual simplex algorithm
The purpose of this paper is to present a revised primal dual simplex algorithm...
Fuzzy mathematical programming applied to multi-level programming problems
An alternative multi-level programming technique based on fuzzy mathematical...
Identifying software project risks in Nigeria: an international comparative study
We report a study where software project risk factors were solicited in Nigeria. The...
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