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Found 17295 papers in total
Variable neighborhood decomposition search for the edge weighted k-cardinality tree problem
The minimum k -cardinality tree problem on graph G consists in finding a subtree of G...
A genetic algorithm approach for regrouping service sites
We address the problem of regrouping service sites into a smaller number of service...
An improved algorithm for the distance constrained p-center location problem with mutual communication on tree networks
In a recent article Averbakh and Berman present an O(p 3  + n 2 ) serial...
Probabilistic location problems with discrete demand weights
In this article we consider four models for locating a facility on an undirected...
Genetic doping algorithm: theory and applications
This paper describes an evolutionary algorithm, GenD, conceived by Buscema in 1998 at...
Supply-chain network configuration for product recovery
The current growth in consumption results in resource reduction, increasing waste...
The analysis and performance evaluation of the pheromone-Q-learning algorithm
The paper presents the pheromone-Q-learning (Phe-Q) algorithm, a variation of...
A heuristic algorithm for determining replacement policies in consecutive k-out-of-n systems
This article presents a heuristic algorithm for determining replacement policies in a...
Rough sets and maintenance in a production line
The great volume of information used/obtained in industry nowadays produces the need...
Optimal maintenance headcount allocation: an application of Chebyshev Goal Programming
In a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility (as well as virtually any type of...
Optimal maintenance planning and crew allocation for multipurpose batch plants
A mathematical programming approach to optimize process plant performance subject to...
Optimal buffer inventory and preventive maintenance for an imperfect production process
In this paper we present a model to determine the optimal length of continuous...
The maximum loading and the optimum number of vehicles in a double-loop of an interbay material handling system
In this paper, the loading analysis of an automated double-loop interbay material...
An exploration of supply chain structure in Korean companies
A supply chain's structure describes the processes that control and co-ordinate the...
Assessing the contribution of knowledge to business performance: the KP3 methodology
Knowledge is inherently difficult to measure. However, without valid and reliable...
Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problem
The simple plant location problem is a well-suited problem in combinatorial...
A heuristic method for large-scale multi-facility location problems
A heuristic method for solving large-scale multi-facility location problems is...
On an approximate minimax circle closest to a set of points
We show how the Chebychev minimax criterion for finding a circle closest to a set of...
Sensitivity and robustness in selection problems
When using a simple linear multiattribute utility model for the selection of a...
An analysis of computer-aided facility layout techniques
This paper presents a new approach for classifying facility layout techniques....
Capacitated lot size problems with fuzzy capacity
Most of the studies on capacitated lot size problems are based on the assumption that...
Simulation study for the optimal repair capacity of an information technology maintenance center based on long-range dependent failure distribution
Consider various host systems that consist of both hardware and software. There is an...
Some Stackelberg type location game
This paper considers a Stackelberg type location game over the unit square...
Improved heuristics for the traveling purchaser problem
For the Traveling Purchaser Problem we describe improvement subprocedures that can be...
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