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Found 17295 papers in total
Heuristics and lower bounds for the bin packing problem with conflicts
In the bin packing problem with conflicts, the aim is to pack items into the minimum...
Heterarchical control of highly distributed manufacturing systems
The use of heterarchical architectures to control manufacturing systems is becoming an...
Management of an assembly line: an investigation of product mix using simulation
This paper presents a simulation study to investigate the most effective product mix...
Self-adapting decision support for interactive fault diagnosis of manufacturing systems
As the manufacturing environment involves more automation, fault diagnosis of...
A multicriteria decision support system for dynamic task allocation in a distributed production activity control structure
A decision support system (DSS) for dynamic task allocation in a distributed structure...
Performance evaluation of a job-shop-like flexible manufacturing system with transfer blocking using a Markovian queuing network model
An industrial flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is investigated with Markovian...
The quickest path problem with interval lead times
in this paper, a version of the quickest path problem is considered in which arc...
Finding the first k shortest paths in a time-window network
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
Overview of Kanban systems
The just-in-time approach to manufacturing control with ‘Kanbans’ has...
Simulation constructs for computer-integrated just-in-time production systems: an object oriented approach
Just-in-time (JIT) has been widely applied to manufacturing companies all over the...
Finished goods management for just-in-time production: new models for analysis
A firm is considered that manages its international manufacturing operations according...
An empirical study of impact of crossover operators on the performance of non-binary genetic algorithm based neural approaches for classification
We study the performance of genetic algorithm (GA) based artificial neural network...
A new filled function applied to global optimization
The filled function method is an approach to find the global minimiser of multi-modal...
The integration of quality control and shop floor control
Quality control refers to the operational techniques and activities required to...
On bottleneck assignment problems under categorization
In this note we consider two types of bottleneck assignment problems under...
A queueing control model for retail services having back room operations and cross-trained workers
Many retail service facilities have both front room and back room operations, The...
The effect of workers with different capabilities on customer delay
Many service facilities operate seven days per week. The operations managers of these...
A branch & bound algorithm for the 0–1 mixed integer knapsack problem with linear multiple choice constraints
This paper presents a branch and bound (B&B) algorithm for the 0–1 mixed...
A new heuristic for m-machine flowshop scheduling problem with bicriteria of makespan and maximum tardiness
This paper addresses the m -machine flowshop problem with the objective of minimizing...
Choosing either the best or the second best when the number of applicants is random
Gusein-Zade considered a version of the secretary problem in which we are allowed to...
On the complexity and some properties of multi-stage scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness penalties
In this paper, the complexity and some other properties of several multi-stage...
An optimal policy for joining a queue in processing two kinds of jobs
We deal with a situation where a worker processes two kinds of jobs, job A and job B....
A tabu search algorithm for parallel machine total tardiness problem
In this study, we consider the problem of scheduling a set of independent jobs with...
Scheduling under machine breakdown in a continuous process industry
In many continuous process industries, machine breakdowns may affect the planned...
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