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Found 17295 papers in total
Scheduling parallel machines by the dynamic newsboy problem
The newsboy problem is a well-known operations research model. Its various extensions...
A note on a due-date assignment on a two-machine flow-shop
We address a due-date assignment and scheduling problem in a two-machine flow-shop...
Improved genetic algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search heuristics used to solve global optimization...
Insertion of a random bitask in a schedule: a real-time approach
We consider a schedule of bitasks. A bitask is a pair of tasks separated by an idle...
An ant colony system for permutation flow-shop sequencing
Ant colony system (ACS) is a novel meta-heuristic inspired by the foraging behavior of...
A note on the shortest processing time heuristic for solving scheduling problems with generalized due dates
Two NP-hard scheduling problems on parallel identical machines with generalized due...
Cycling in linear programming problems
We collected and analyzed a number of linear programming problems that have been shown...
Reactive scheduling system for cellular manufacturing with failure-prone machines
A new approach is described for solving the scheduling problem when machine failure is...
Disjunctive constraints for manufacturing scheduling: principles and extensions
Disjunctive constraints are widely used to ensure that the time intervals over which...
Multi-processor distributed simulation for job-shop scheduling: boon or bane?
Two distributed simulation methods for job-shop scheduling are presented. They are...
An architecture of a multi-model system for planning and scheduling
An architecture of a multi-model based system for production planning and scheduling...
Genetic algorithms applied to workshop problems
We evaluate in this paper the qualities of stochastic algorithms, mainly genetic and...
An evolution programme for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
This paper describes an implementation of an evolution programme for the...
Product location, allocation and server home base location for an order picking line with multiple servers
In this paper, we are interested in several interrelated control issues for a...
An integrative model for automatic warehousing systems
Automatic warehouses, for the most part, have been studied in isolation. This paper...
Using neural networks to select a control strategy for automated storage and retrieval systems
The development of an automated control system for automated storage and retrieval...
Comparison of the bionic, fractal and holonic manufacturing system concepts
Over the next decade production will experience an enormous increase in variety and...
D-ants: savings based ants divide and conquer the vehicle routing problem
This paper presents an algorithm that builds on the Savings based Ant System and...
Capacity expansion of fiber optic networks with wavelength division multiplexing systems: problem formulation and comparative analysis
In this paper we provide an arc-path formulation for the problem of locating and...
Exact algorithms for unconstrained three-dimensional cutting problems: a comparative study
In this paper we propose two exact algorithms for solving the three-dimensional...
Approximate algorithms for constrained circular cutting problems
In this paper, we study the problem of cutting a rectangular plate R of dimensions...
Robust parameter design: a review
Parameter design is an engineering methodology intended as a cost-effective approach...
An optimal maintenance time of automatic monitoring system of automatic teller machines with two kinds of breakdowns
All automatic teller machines (ATMs) in a bank operate unmanned on weekends and...
Financial planning via a multi-stage stochastic optimization
This paper describes a framework for modeling significant financial planning problems...
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