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Error prevention in robotic assembly tasks by a machine vision and statistical pattern recognition method
Okumura S.
Assembly errors can occur in a robotic assembly system. In this paper, a method that...
Stochastic assembly line balancing using beam search
Erel E.
This paper presents a beam search-based method for the stochastic assembly line...
A comprehensive review of lot streaming
Chiu H.N.
Lot streaming combined lot splitting with operations overlapping is one of the...
A robust cell formation approach for varying product demands
Chen M.
In cellular manufacturing environments, manufacturing cells are generally formed based...
Conveyor-serviced production station (CSPS) model: Look-ahead controls and physics
Matsui M.
This paper reviews look-ahead controls for a Conveyor-Serviced Production Station...
A Web-based system for manufacturing co-ordination in complex supply networks
Besant C.B.
In today's manufacturing industries, companies have recognised the importance of...
A bill of materials-based approach for end-of-life decision making in design for the environment
Adenso-Daz B.
Re-use, recycling or remanufacturing of products and components are good alternatives...
A simulation analysis of factors influencing the flexibility of cellular manufacturing
Djassemi M.
The performance of cellular manufacturing (CM) systems in a variable demand and...
A comparison of focused cellular manufacturing to cellular manufacturing and job shop
Khumawala B.M.
The purpose of this study is to compare a focused cellular manufacturing environment...
Optimal process planning for a combined punch-and-laser cutting machine using ant colony optimization
Wang G. Gary
A machine that performs both punching and laser-cutting operations is referred to as a...
Determination of the optimal part orientation in layered manufacturing using a genetic algorithm
Lee K.H.
Several important factors must be taken into consideration to maximise the efficiency...
Rolling horizon heuristics for production planning and set-up scheduling with backlogs and error-prone demand forecasts
Clark Alistair R.
Three families of models and fast heuristic methods are developed for identifying a...
Multi-agent-based approach to solve part selection and task allocation problem in flexible manufacturing systems
Tiwari M.K.
Agent technology is currently being considered as an important approach for developing...
Modelling and simulation of an intelligent flexible manufacturing system via high-level object Petri nets (HLOPN)
Wu Z.M.
A dynamic model of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is considered based on the...
A proposed approach for reconfiguration of flexible assembly line systems by motion genes
Ho J.K.L.
This paper applies motion genes to solve the problems of reconfiguring flexible...
A part-and-tool assignment method for the workload-balance between machines and the minimisation of tool-shortage occurrences in an FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System)
Ho Y.-C.
In this paper, we look into the loading problem of a flexible manufacturing system...
Branch and bound algorithms for the multidimensional assignment problem
Pardalos Panos M.
This work investigates two branch and bound algorithms based on different tree...
Dynamic change management for construction: introducing the change cycle into model-based project management
Park Moonseo
In construction, rework (redoing previously completed work) has a considerable impact...
The process-oriented multivariate capability index
Gautam Natarajan
Recent literature has proposed multivariate capability indices, but does not suggest a...
How useful is quantitative risk assessment?
Apostolakis George E.
This article discusses the use of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) in decision...
Gradient projection methods for quadratic programs and applications in training support vector machines
Serafini Thomas
Gradient projection methods based in the Barzilai–Borwein spectral steplength...
Parallel algorithm for support vector machines training and quadratic optimization problems
Leone Renato de
We consider an iterative algorithm, suitable for parallel implementation, to solve...
Dynamical approaches and multi-quadratic integer programming for seizure prediction
Pardalos Panos M.
In this article, we present dynamical approaches and multi-quadratic integer...
Simultaneous job input sequencing and vehicle dispatching in a single-vehicle automated guided vehicle system: a heuristic branch-and-bound approach coupled with a discrete events simulation model
Moukrim Aziz
This paper addresses the scheduling problem in automated manufacturing environments,...
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