Optimal process planning for a combined punch-and-laser cutting machine using ant colony optimization

Optimal process planning for a combined punch-and-laser cutting machine using ant colony optimization

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Article ID: iaor20053030
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 43
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 2195
End Page Number: 2216
Publication Date: Jan 2005
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics

A machine that performs both punching and laser-cutting operations is referred to as a combined punch-and-laser machine. Such a machine has been in the market for about two decades. Although process-planning tools have been used on such a combined machine, the optimization of process planning dedicated to combined machines, based on our literature search results, has never been dirctly studied. This work addresses the process-planning problem for the combined punch-and-laser machine by integrating knowledge, quantitative analysis, and numerical optimization approaches. The proposed methodology helps making decisions on following issues: (i) which type of operation should be applied to each feature, and (ii) what is the optimal operation sequence (tool path) to achieve the maximum manufacturing efficiency. The ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms are employed in searching the optimal tool path. Sensitivities of control parameters of ACO are also analysed. Through applications, the proposed method can significantly improve the operation efficiency for the combined punch-and-laser machine. The method can also be easily automated and integrated with the nesting and G-code generation processes. Some issues and possible future research topics have also been discussed.


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