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The impact of the performance measurement systems in setting the ‘direction’ in the University of Warwick
Meadows M.
This paper presents a case study examining the role of performance measurement systems...
Bridge annual maintenance prioritization under uncertainty by multiobjective combinatorial optimization
Frangopol Dan M.
Bridge managers are facing ever-increasing tasks of prioritizing limited budgets to...
The theory of bank risk taking and competition revisited
Boyd John H.
There is a large body of literature that concludes that – when confronted with...
Gloucester Fishery: insights from a group modeling intervention
Otto Peter
System dynamics provides a powerful support mechanism for resolving problems in highly...
Integer programming approach to the printed circuit board grouping problem
Kim D.
A printed circuit board (PCB) grouping problem arising from the electronics industry...
Application of value stream mapping for lean operations and cycle time reduction: an Indian case study
Seth Dinesh
For the last few years almost every manufacturing industry has been trying to get...
Performance measurement frameworks in public and non-profit sectors
Micheli Pietro
In the last decade much attention has been devoted to developing performance...
Tourism dynamics: Cyprus' hotel value chain and profitability
Georgantzas Nicholas C.
In response to the Cyprus Hotel Association's aim to test how Cyprus' year 2010...
Analyzing the cost of screening selectee and non-selectee baggage
Jacobson Sheldon H.
Determining how to effectively operate security devices is as important to overall...
The performance of the number of vehicles in a dynamic connecting transport automated material handling system (AMHS)
Lin J.T.
A new concept of the dynamic connecting transport automated material handling system...
Making the trains run on time: the tyranny of performance indicators
Cole Bart
In this paper, we will consider the use of performance indicators in the newly...
A multi-objective evolutionary programming approach to the ‘object location’ spatial analysis and optimisation problem within the urban water management domain
Butler D.
Evolutionary programming (EP) is an application of the concepts of Darwinian evolution...
Practical common weight multi-criteria decision-making approach with an improved discriminating power for technology selection
Karsak E. Ertugrul
A practical common weight multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology with an...
Duality for inexact semi-infinite linear programming
Gmez Juan A.
The aim of this work is to generalize strong duality theorems for inexact linear...
Calculating the daily bread: rations in theory and practice
Imhausen Annette
This article discusses the handling of rations in Middle Kingdom Egypt...
Real-time optimum sequencing of wood-cutting process
Sassani F.
An optimization algorithm was developed to minimize waste in a real-time cutting...
Screening family planning needs: an operations research project in Guatemala
Brambila Carlos
Public sector health care providers in rural Guatemala have infrequently offered...
Performance planning and control in virtual business structures
Walters David
It could be argued that the development of new business models has occurred at such a...
Joint order batching and order picking in warehouse operations
Olafsson S.
Traditional warehousing focuses on improving efficiency within the warehouse, and...
Optimal design methodologies for configuration of supply chains
Azadivar F.
This paper describes a methodology developed for designing an optimal configuration...
Synchronized scheduling of assembly and multi-destination air-transportation in a consumer electronics supply chain
Sivakumar A.I.
The paper studies the problem of synchronizing air transportation and assembly...
Modelling a complex supply chain: understanding the effect of simplified assumptions
Burgess T.F.
The benefits of coordinating activities and consolidating distribution points in...
A two-stage stochastic programming with recourse model for cross-border distribution with fleet management
Wu Yue
One of the significant effects of the implementation of an open-door policy in China...
An integrated approach for the concurrent determination of the block layout and the input and output point locations based on the contour distance
Kim J.-G.
This paper presents an integrated approach for the facilities design problem. It...
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